Dominican Republic/Safe or not safe?

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Dominican Republic/Safe or not safe?

Post by missy »

Considering the recent "mysterious" deaths of expats at resorts/hotels in the Dominican Republic,
can anyone who has actually lived there (or traveled there) share their experiences
with security/safety issues?
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Re: Dominican Republic/Safe or not safe?

Post by Heliotrope »

Perhaps have a read here: ... wers/86/70
If you click on the underlined dates at the end of each of the comments, you'll see their whole review for living in the Dominican Republic as an expat - there might be some other useful information not pertaining to safety that you might find interesting as well.
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Post by PsyGuy »

If your an IT, you wont be staying at a resort hotel, so how many mysterious deaths of ITs are there? Somewhere around zero. Just dont make yourself a target and practice situational awareness, and youll be fine.
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Re: Response

Post by Heliotrope »

PsyGuy wrote:
> If your an IT, you wont be staying at a resort hotel, so how many
> mysterious deaths of ITs are there? Somewhere around zero. Just dont make
> yourself a target and practice situational awareness, and youll be fine.

Plenty of ITs in developing countries go to resort hotels to relax by the pool though. I think about half of my colleagues did this at least twice or three times a month when I was in a similar country.
But that doesn't mean that you should have an incident let this decide this for you. I wouldn't really feel uneasy about accepting a job in Sri Lanka right now if I like any of the schools there, just because of the recent bombings.

The DR is definitely unsafe though, but so are some suburbs in the US.

Read reports, let those guide you, but be aware that if ten reports mention someone they know was robbed, it could have been the same guy in all those stories. And they don't mention all the people they know that weren't robbed. I do know from friends that lived in the DR that all of their expat friends there that have stayed for 5 years or longer were robbed at some point during those 5 years. But I'm not sure how many friends they have and how careless they are, so it might not be a good sample size.

For me, the DR might be just a bit too unsafe right now (but not by much). If I was single, I wouldn't worry, but with kids it's different.
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