Moving from China to Europe - advice???

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Post by PsyGuy »

I disagree, just more TPF, its not easy at all to save in the EU.
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Heliotrope »

@PsyGuy may have a different experience, but @vandsmith,
 @Thames Pirate, @
interteach, and two couples I know in Europe, all have different experiences than him. Even if you have kids, saving $1000+ per month while teaching in Europe is definitely possible, and if you know what you're doing it's really not that hard.
Of course, an extravagant lifestyle and lack of budgetary discipline may affect this, and there are certainly schools where it's not possible, just as there are plenty of schools in Asia or ME where the same is true. Yes, you can save more in Asia generally, but for plenty of teachers saving in Europe is not a problem.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont see where the coin is in the EU, while regions differ, Switzerland has better potential than Spain. The coin isnt there with taxes, and a lack of OSH benefits that including a housing allowance. Having an extravagant lifestyle and lack of budgetary discipline can be problems anywhere, but there is generally a better financial portfolio in Asia and the coin is really there in the ME.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Thames Pirate »

Just because you don't see it or can't budget doesn't mean the rest of us are that way. Nobody is claiming it's easier to save in Europe than in the ME on the whole--just that it can be done and that it's not really that hard.

Again, we saved on one salary. We save more AND have a fairly upscale lifestyle now on two (paying for my horse, for example). We travel almost every break, go out to eat probably more than is healthy, etc.
Last edited by Thames Pirate on Fri Mar 01, 2019 1:30 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

And Im disagreeing with you and stating it is hard.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Thames Pirate »

Much like you disagreed with me about actually saving as if you were privy to my finances.

I suppose it depends on one's circumstances and mostly one's definition of hard.
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

The "we" save though is disingenuous, your spouse isnt an IT hes a financial business guy. You didnt save on your one salary, you got by.
This disagreement is of a different type but its not very relevant, youre wrong in terms of I cant reconcile your claims with my experience, and resources.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Thames Pirate »

Oh, now you know more about my spouse's career than I do as well as my finances? This just keeps getting better!
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

Isnt it though.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Thames Pirate »

While you're at it, can you post the type of vacation I like, my favourite ice cream flavour, the type of music I prefer, and maybe a pet peeve or two? Feel free to throw in a professional goal, a phobia, and maybe an update on my health status. Maybe include information on these things for my spouse since you know him, too. I have been wondering about all of these things, and since you are obviously more up-to-date on my personal life than I am, it would be really helpful.

*Throws shadowjack some popcorn in case Psyguy decides I am allergic*
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Heliotrope »

You can't reconcile her claims with your experience and that's fine, you were probably paid a lower salary than her when you worked in Europe or can't budget very well, but then there are others who have posted similar claims of being able to save without much of a problem.
Nobody says that Europe is where the big paychecks are, so I'm not sure why you're saying there's more money to be made in China and the ME. The claim is that you can still save while working in Europe, and that's quite possible at a lot of international schools, and in a lot of European countries.
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by interteach »

Having strong references (and not have to strategize them), a reputation for being dedicated to your job, having it clear that you love what you do as an educator, and not needing to ghost previous jobs might possibly perhaps have something to do with what jobs you get interviewed for and accept.

Just saying.
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Lastname_Z »

While I agree it's possible to save money in Europe, I think many of you are severely understating the ability to budget as a major factor. I don't think budgeting is a skill that most international teachers possess. In the most 3rd tier of schools in China you don't really need to know how to budget in order to save.

The people I know that haven't come away with less than $20,000 by the end of the year actively sought ways to spend their money and led extremely lavish lifestyles for international school teachers (or teachers in general).

Otherwise, saving is pretty effortless in China (and I imagine the ME being the same for different reasons) and doesn't require much budgeting ability.
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Cailin »

Some Eastern European schools have good packages, and most that I know of start nursery at 3 years old. Try Budapest, Prague or Warsaw.
In Western Europe it will be harder to make ends meet and save.
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Re: Moving from China to Europe - advice???

Post by Frenchie »

What does it mean to "ghost" a job or reference? I have seen this comment a few times. I have no clue what this means. Thanks for any insight.
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