attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

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attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

My wife is an experienced, highly effective elementary teacher in her late 50's with extensive international travel. I am a retired non-teacher spouse..We will attend our first job fair in Iowa and appreciate any and all insight as to having a successful experience . Outside of China/Saudi Arabia we are open to relocate is not as important as job/life satisfaction. Thanks
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Post by PsyGuy »

Cancel your flights and travel plans and try to get as much refunded as you can.
You have three significant issues against you:

1) Youre on the other side of 50.
2) You have a trailing spouse.
3) You dont mention PYP, but primary is not a high demand field.

Even if youre not tourist teachers it sounds like youre a couple retirees who are looking for an IS to absorb your future travel costs.
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

Thanks for the response ..and the sarcasm..We are not two retired types..although we are blessed to have built the financial resources to retire.... assuming we can overcome the specifics you listed do have have other thoughts Thank you again
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by shadowjack »


here's the honest part. Extensive travel is not experience living internationally. As PG alluded to, highlighting your extensive travel is going to paint you and your spouse to be more interested in the travel opps, whether that is true or not. Second, again as PG alluded to, the teaching one in the partnership is in her LATE 50s and is an elementary teacher. Not to put a damper on your hopes, but there are three strikes there. One is age. She has already aged out of some countries. For other countries, if the top age is 60, that gives her two years and gone. The second strike is she is elementary. Many elementary positions are kept open for spouses of the science and math teachers, or admin staff. They are viewed as easier to fill as there are more primary teachers out there in sheer number. The third strike is that if I have to hire a primary teacher and I want to save money, I will either hire a primary teacher as part of a married teaching couple (saving money on insurance, housing, flights and other benefits) or a single primary teacher (saving money on insurance, housing, flights and other benefits).

That is not to say that there is nothing out there for her (and by extension, you). But it will be harder. You will be amazed at all the young people at the fair, and the young admin (although your wife might not be). You are only keyed to the American system at this point. You won't go to China (there are some amazing schools there, but aging out is now 60 for many of them), or Saudi (rapidly growing in population and not bad to live in if you are at the right school). So where DO you want to go? Europe, unless you apply for somewhere like Tirana, Albania, or some small, cheap paying, school, is likely out of the question. North Africa? There are always schools there. Africa itself? There are definitely schools there that might take a flyer on your wife. India? Age might be an issue. Apart from those, maybe Central or South America? Again, a range of schools that might take a flyer on your wife after all the important positions/trailing spouses have been accommodated. But it might be tough...

Good luck - and keep us posted! It is always great to hear people get their dream jobs despite the naysayers. And it DOES happen (then again, SOMEONE has to win the lottery eventually :-)
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by expatscot »

@megank, psyguy can be a bit blunt at times but essentially what he says is true. In a lot of places, even outside of China, your age will count against you. I think UAE could also be an issue, and there's a bell ringing saying possibly Thailand too.

That said, there are some places where this won't be a problem. Consider places like Egypt, Kuwait, Africa, and Central America.

If it's the UNI fair, I think there's a lot of places on their list you need to consider. You will need to be extremely flexible with location, and you'll also need to consider your living costs. You say you're retired - could you afford, for example, for your wife to go somewhere on a single contract, with you living on your pension (which might have to cover part of the housing cost?)
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by expatscot »

I also meant to add - don't restrict yourself to the fairs. Keep a look on TES and possibly also the Guardian jobs websites for things which come up unexpectedly - if you're not successful at the fair these may be the places to look.
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

Shadowjack...Thanks for your candor,,so I can ask you questions...We have the flexibility to attend the ISS in NYC vs NI Any thoughts since the NYC has more schools? We are not opposed to a country like Albania. I happened to visit Tirana in early December,,not Berlin/Budapest but not bad either..I hold no beliefs that we fit the mold for some of the WE schools, although I had my own three children attend the American school of Madrid 15 yrs ago. If you feel some real possibilities exist then please your comments prior and on other posts are very helpful..Although my business background and MBA could help get a non-teaching job in a place like Dubai, I am also getting an international TEFL certificate at this time. Thanks for any additional thoughts you may have
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

Shadowjack,,,Our posts crossed so let me answer some questions..Yes I do not need to be on the contract with the wife...and if the right situation came up then we would minimize any concerns the recruiter may infer, Thanks again for your thoughts
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by shadowjack »

^ second post was ExpatScot :-)

TESjobs and Guardian are more for Brits. If you want a 39 dollar flyer, sign up for - you can see more jobs than at UNI. ISS might be better for the NYC IRC (TBH, ISS keeps sending me emails wanting me to sign up for a cheap price, but Search's database is better).

If you are not on the paid section of schools review, do so now. There have been several recent reviews of the Tirana school - I know as a professional educator I would not go there. But YMMV. Again, as I said, extensive travel (I have been there) vs LIVING long term are two very different scenarios. I have visited wonderful places, but knowing what I know, I would never want to teach and live there - I only want to visit and soak in everything :-) But I digress.

There are schools out there. Expatscot and his thoughts on where you might want to consider going are solid. I'll be honest, I believe based on my experience that if you are holding out for Europe you are going to be disappointed. You are competing against a horde of younger, cheaper, people desperate to get to Europe. If you ARE trying Europe, my advice would be to look at someplace like Carlucci, in Portugal, or some of the Spanish schools. Understand you will likely lose money by going there, because the pay is low enough that it won't cover all your expenses and travel. We found that when we worked in Europe, but we did a ton of travel and experience, and didn't regret paying out of pocket.

Otherwise, honestly look at Asia and South America, plus the Middle East and Africa. Your wife is far more likely to get picked up by a school there than by a European school - or a top tier school anywhere. But there ARE some gems of small schools out there that would take a chance on you two. You just have to find them.
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

Shadowjack,,Thank you for your kind reply,,We will look closer at schools in South America..Country suggestions? Thanks again
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by shadowjack »

I would try to avoid Central America - it's pretty rough. Costa Rica or Panama might be ok, but Panama schools seem messed up and Costa Rica pay isn't great (but you might not care).

Apart from that, avoid Venezuela. And do your readings on the paid side. Don't believe it all, but look for patterns over the years. Maybe not so much about who the director is, but about HR, or Purchasing or processes. Directors come and go, but those things stay the same and say a lot about an institution.

If you signed up for tieonline, you would be able to pick out regions and divisions levels or subjects in the search function, including find jobs available NOW, which are jobs that you need to get to in a few weeks. They have list and map view. For 39 bucks (and they do a red star deal in late October, early November for 29 bucks <-- the one I always renew my membership with).

I wouldn't discount Africa if you are looking for adventure. You would get to see things nobody else you know will ever see and do things that are unique.
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Megank »

Shadowjack..Thanks for the insight We will keep you posted.Megank
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Re: attending Northern Iowa recruiting fair question

Post by Cailin »

As a 57 year old elementary teacher I attended a job fair in London in January, interviewed with 6 schools on 4 continents and was offered 6 jobs. No dependants but I don't know that that would have made a difference. It is true that you age out of many countries at 60, but your wife is not yet 60 so all is not lost! You need to plan on staying several years, possibly till retirement. After 60 it does get harder.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I do not doubt your experience @Cailin, the issue I have is if you substitute recruiting at a fair for winning the lottery, its no less valid an anecdote. It just doesnt account for the significant number of cases where frustrated and rejected ITs that fit that demographic dont participate in the discourse because they just move on.
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