Made it to final interview- then job re-posted?

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Made it to final interview- then job re-posted?

Post by aria »

Hi everyone,

I've just come across a bit of a confusing situation, and am wondering if anyone can shed some light. I recently applied for a great position, went through several rounds of interviews, and was notified at the beginning of the week that I was selected as one of the two final candidates. They said they would contact our references and hopefully let us know by the end of the week.

Whilst browsing the TES job vacancies this morning, I noticed that the school re-advertised the position yesterday. I'm sure that I have stellar references, and I can't imagine the other candidate had terrible references. I'm slightly confused and wondering if maybe they have decided against the other candidate and myself. Should I contact them and ask for clarification? Should I just wait and see if I hear anything from them in the next week?

Thank you!
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Post by PsyGuy »

First, it might not be your position, they may be advertising a different position thats the same field as yours, its possible they need more than one IT in the department.

Second, they dont want you. Being selected as a final candidate doesnt mean anything, nothing obligates the IS to hire one of you. At the time you were told it was just a means of giving you a response without confrontation. You are still one of two finalists, but only contracts matter.

Third, your references may not be as stellar as you think. Someone may be sabotaging you, or said something that was interpreted in error.

Its been a week, Id contact them but leave out the part of seeing the vacancy re-posted. Just ask for an update.
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