DODEA Questions

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DODEA Questions

Post by rcoy2 »

Hi guys,

I have a few questions maybe some of you can shed some light on. I'm looking into DODEA.

To be eligible for DODEA, I understand that I need specific credits in teaching methods for science, math, reading and language arts. I'm already covered in reading and language arts because of my master degree and I'm planning to do two courses to cover the science and math. I also understand that 3 credit hours are necessary in art OR pe OR music which can be waived if it has been taught for at least a year.

My questions are:

1) Having been working at my bilingual school in Thailand, as opposed to a US school, am I eligible to waive the art/pe/music requirement? I do teach both pe and art at my school.

2) When is the recruiting season for DODEA?

3) I have a master degree in education, a bachelor degree in English, a professional teaching license form Florida (in about 4-6 weeks after my background check is complete) and I've been teaching in Thailand for nearly three years now (two as a homeroom teacher in a Bilingual school in Thailand). Will this experience count for anything since it's not a US school or a US curriculum? (The curriculum is actually British).

If anyone can give me some answers I would appreciate it.
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Post by PsyGuy »

1) No, experience for qualification only qualifies if it was obtained at a US accredited DS/IS. You can use an IS for step, but not to meet qualification requirements.
Its a moot point though, you are clearly looking at elementary positions and all elementary positions require 24 credit hours of elementary education coursework. Your BA in English wont count, and I doubt your Masters is in ECE.

2) It starts around May and then goes through around October with the peak in July. You need to have your EAS application done and confirmed in around March which is the renew period, otherwise you generally arent considered for that years recruiting.

3) It may count for step on the comp scale.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by rcoy2 »

Actually, my master's specializes in elementary reading and literacy, so I do have a quite a few credits in elementary education, but I'm not sure if some of the courses will count specifically as elementary education as opposed to general education. Is there any way to have my credits evaluated in order to find out how many more I need to complete? I know I'm not far off and I will be completing the math and science methods courses shortly.
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Post by PsyGuy »


My mistake. Just apply, the DODEA will (eventually) review your transcripts and application materials and based on what target jobs you applied for and either approve your qualifications or will provide your deficiencies for you.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by rcoy2 »

Cheers for that info Psyguy. I appreciate your help!
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by jboeh2 »

What are your thoughts on applying for DODEA schools with dependents?
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

In general it seems to be a great life for most everyone, including people with kids. Most children/teens seem to enjoy base living and usually having relatively small schools to be able to thrive and find their niche (and be able to play/start on sports teams as they get older).

Some of that is somewhat dependent on the location of the post/base, the schools etc, but in general there seem to be very few downsides. I have heard a few complaints about the quality of education in some schools but in my experience (1st hand in several school in different countries, 2nd hand in many more) the range is similar to the states and overall is just fine for most students.

Some people might have concerns about raising kids in certain locations (e.g. Bahrain, Cuba, Turkey, Korea) but so far, even those places have been fine. And, if you object to a location you can always not take the job. We love it and have no plans of going back to int'l schools or the states anytime soon, if ever.
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Post by PsyGuy »


It doesnt change, DoDDS is one of the only opportunities where family size doesnt matter. They will house, and transport however big a family an IT has. My POV differs from that of @WT123. DoDDS is great if you have SPED children because the USG will write however big a check it needs to to meet accommodations for your children. On the other side, DoDDS students are very average, its not the place if you want G&T thats really aspirational. Thats really what it is average kids from middle class backgrounds who are basically average.
While its true that many students would have opportunities in activities like sports that they wouldnt have in a highly competitive environment back in the States those opportunities dont lead to the same level of accomplishments. You arent going to be playing division 5A American football with a chance for a ride to Notre Dame or the pros in DoDDS. Sure you might be able to start on the team or move up a position, but the glory isnt comparable.
The quality of education can really be sub par, DoDDS has a tenure system, and once you have permanent status you have to pretty much commit a crime to lose your job, this means there is a higher percentage of dead wood, that relies on lecture and worksheets. Would that be much different then in a DS back int he states, no, but if you pulled that too often in IE, youd be non-renewed.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> While its true that many students would have opportunities in activities like sports
> that they wouldnt have in a highly competitive environment back in the States those
> opportunities dont lead to the same level of accomplishments. You arent going to
> be playing division 5A American football with a chance for a ride to Notre Dame
> or the pros in DoDDS. Sure you might be able to start on the team or move up a position,
> but the glory isnt comparable.
Neither are the vast majority of players starting for high school sports teams in the states going to be going on to a Notre Dame or playing in the pros.

As for glory, if anyone has ever been around a DoDDS team that won a Division title then they should know that the glory (and the joy) are second to none for the player and the parents (and the coaches!). It's still a very rewarding experience they may not have had back in the states.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

As for education, yes there is a wide range of learning environments but that is true of schools and districts in the states. I have first hand experience of several schools in several different states and there was plenty of deadwood on exhibit. Unless you are coming from a magnet school, high level private school or top level affluent district then the learning experience is likely to be very similar.

If a student is a striver/high climber then there are generally plenty of AP/Honors classes, virtual classes and extracurricular clubs and activities (e.g. European/Far East music, journalism, CTE- Career and Technical Education events etc.) to satisfy most students' appetites for a challenge (at least at the schools I have knowledge of). It's not for everyone but excellent for the vast majority of people, IMHO.
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Post by PsyGuy »

If you are fine with average and not having those opportunities than @WT123 isnt wrong. You can appreciate all the glory you want from winning District championships, and your child might never have made the team otherwise, but youre not going to feel the joy of winning State, there is no state. Yes, many students wouldnt be looked at by recruiters for big Colleges or Unis, but they arent going to even have the opportunity in DoDDS.

Yes, there is deadwood in Stateside DSs, but that doesnt make the DoDDS deadwood acceptable. We also have a lot of it. Not only are ITs near impossible to get rid off, but there is no mandatory retirement age, that means we get to keep some great ITs but also means that there are those who are past retirement eligibility who are just collecting salary. Those DSs stateside can house their under performing DTs in non instructional roles, in DoDDS poor performing ITs are placed in classrooms.

@WT123 and i agree there are opportunities at magnet DSs, private/independent DSs and high performing affluent districts (which all have honors programs as well), those opportunities arent there in DoDDS (though you could send your child to an IS on your own coin).

Its fine, maybe even excellent in so far as your happy with an average education for your child. DoDDS becomes amazing when you dont have kids, are single, the kids are off to Uni. Its elite tier comp for third tier work.
Boss Time
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by Boss Time »


Would it be possible for me to PM you with some specific DoDEA questions?
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Post by PsyGuy »

@Boss Time

PMs are disabled on this forum. You may if you wish go to your control panel (click on user control panel) then go to the profile tab, and then under the "interests" field include your email address. This way tbots wont index your email address, and you can remove it any time. You can then request another forum member contact you by email.

Another option is to go too:

It is a DODEA centric forum.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @Boss Time
> PMs are disabled on this forum. You may if you wish go to your control panel (click
> on user control panel) then go to the profile tab, and then under the "interests"
> field include your email address. This way tbots wont index your email address,
> and you can remove it any time. You can then request another forum member contact
> you by email.
> Another option is to go too:
> It is a DODEA centric forum.
Basically this. ^ If you leave an email (and let me know it's there) on your profile I can email you. Or you can join ISR and PM me on the paid forum. Or you can post here or on the site and I (and/or other posters) can try and answer your questions.
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Re: DODEA Questions

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

Or you can join TES UK and start a private conversation over there (I use the same user ID).
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