Recruiting Help!

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Recruiting Help!

Post by b12r »

I suppose what I am here is looking for reassurance... or maybe advice. For what it is worth, I have applied to SPED teaching assignments.

I am a member of Search Associates and have been sending out emails to schools. So far, I have sent roughly 10 emails to perspective schools without any response back. I have also applied at their websites as instructed. \

Is it too early in the recruiting cycle to hear back from schools? Are the compiling their short lists to contact perspective candidates?

A little help would be appreciated! Thanks!
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by eion_padraig »

Unless a school is adding a position, it's probably too early for them to do much and people are still getting their materials together. It's not usually until November/December before you have to let your school know if you're returning, so many schools don't know if there will need people.

Experienced SPED teachers can get hired earlier in the season for sure, but it's still a bit too early. It's good that you have your account set up and that you're sending out your emails.

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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by helloiswill »

I've read some of your other posts and I am at a similar stage of my career and I am also looking for my first job overseas. I've sent out about 20 applications over the past 2 weeks and heard back from 4 schools. Two of the schools just replied with a standard "we received your application..." Two of the schools seemed more promising and commented an a couple parts of my resume and asked a few follow up questions. FWIW, both of the more promising responses came about two weeks after I emailed them. So, I think its still early, and from what I have heard other posters write, you can expect responses over the next two or three months.
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by b12r »

Glad to know some fellow posters are in the same boat as I am. I have been on the forum a lot but have not heard a lot of response time. I would think I will (hopefully) hear back from school in Nov/Dec maybe to set things up for fairs.
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by mamava »

Keep in mind that most schools don't require notice until into mid-November. Some schools (like mine) offer an early re-signing or resignation bonus so they know definitely now about many jobs. Other schools will ask for an early "estimation" that is non-binding and then post tentative job openings (some are marked tentative, but others not). It's not uncommon for flurry of activity to happen between December 1 and the fairs.

Some schools (the higher-tier and elite ones) will move quickly to hire the very desirable candidates before they get snapped up by someone else. Other schools may feel like it's better to wait until the fair and see people in person. There's not a real set pattern.

What is pretty standard is to not hear back from schools after you've applied. Sometimes you get a "we got your app", but it's pretty common to hear nothing back. I always assume it's been received and then I try to find out when schools are asking teachers to give notice and then contact the school with a followup email. Again, very often I don't hear back, but that's how it is. It can feel stressful and at times demoralizing, but stick with it!
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by b12r »

Thanks for the response. Deep down I felt this was the case but IT is a different beast. If anything the nerves are calmed and patience will be practiced.

Thames Pirate
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by Thames Pirate »

We applied in November sometime to our dream school (and others) and received nothing until fair season, when some of those schools (including our dream school) contacted us about pre-fair interviews. We ended up getting the job in the dream school. So elapsed time between our initial contact and the request for an interview was 2 months.

Given all the factors and the time of the season, I wouldn't worry yet. However, one follow-up for a listed position is acceptable. Give it some time, but a follow up is fine. Just not more than one.
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by twoteachers »

This is especially true if you're a newbie to IT. Schools will want to meet you face to face. Don't be shocked if you don't hear anything until the fair. It's beyond frustrating, but stick with it.
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Post by PsyGuy »

10 applications isnt very many. Are you being highly selective focusing on only a few elite tier ISs in the EU?

Many ISs require intent be declared in late October, and we arent there yet. Starting In early November is when many ISs begin posting vacancies. They usually form the applicant pool for a month and then select the short list. The peak of recruiting is January-February. Early recruiting starts in November, though some ISs can start a year or more in advance.

I agree with @mamava, its common for an IS to not reply back to receiving an application. Often an IS will post a statement in their vacancy post that if you arent contacted by X date, then you should assume your application is unsuccessful. From others you may receive a form email that the position has now been filled. Its still the most common not to receive any response at all, sometimes you dont even receive an acknowledgment.
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by expatscot »

Psyguy is right, that's been my experience too. Don't expect to hear unless you've been chosen for interview - anything more seems to be a bonus, really.

Outside of IE that would be considered really poor HR practice, it has to be said.....
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Re: Recruiting Help!

Post by global_nomad »

While you should have everything ready by now just in case, it's still early to hear back from the vast majority of schools. Some schools seem to advertise now, but not start calling back candidates on the short list for another couple/few weeks. Like someone said earlier, most schools seem to have the November 15th deadline for their final decision.

A few years ago I was at an elite school in Asia and had my sights set on a Tier 1 school in Europe. I really wanted this job and my Principal at the time even knew the Director of the school, personally. I applied in November and even mentioned the connection but heard nothing from the school until 3 months later at a job fair, where they went after me aggressively. I was quite surprised because I hadn't heard a peep from the school and figured they weren't interested. In the end, I ended up with the job. Each international school seems to work at their own pace. You never know if they are going after preferred choices first, trying to hire for other positions first, or they simply haven't started the process yet.
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