Part Time Teaching Jobs?

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Part Time Teaching Jobs?

Post by kellyjoe »

Does anyone know if schools search out part time teachers or contracts that last for a half year? And if they did need a teacher for half a year, when would they likely post it? In an ideal world, I would like to teach in the Caribbean for 1/2 a year and come home 1/2 a year. Thoughts?
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Post by PsyGuy »

ISs generally dont offer part time appointments as an OSH, its typically LH. Very short contracts such as you described are typically "cover" vacancies either caused by maternity, medical or family absences. They usually post them as they become available. Often just after the new academic year starts, so that the IT can preserve their appointment. These vacancies are usually a term or 6 months in length. Sometimes they can lead to a more permanent position in the IS. The other option is international supply/relief teaching which is an agency that specifically arranges these type of contracts.

The scenario where you would teach in an IS on a continual basis of half year teaching and away half a year, doesnt exist. It would cause too many issues with the students and the classroom and the parents. It would also be more expensive and economically prohibitive. Why do that when an IS can easily enough hire someone for the full year and what is more common a two year contract.

The best option for that kind of arrangement would be in ESOL, but ESOL isnt a big market in the Caribbean.
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