Different name on passport than degree certificate

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Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by joe30 »


I've got a question which might sound crazy, but knowing how ridiculous some immigration departments can be, thought I'd run it by here first...

The name on my undergraduate degree certificate is Joe xxx, but the name on my passport is Joe yyy. A while after graduating, my mum divorced my step father, and changed her name back to her maiden name. I also changed mine back (to my mothers surname - prior to this I had my step fathers surname).

My PGCE and passport will be in my current name (i.e. Joe yyy) but my undergraduate certificate is under Joe xxx. Is this going to pose a massive problem to gaining overseas employment? Instintively I'd have thought 'no' since when women get married they commonly change their surnames, so this isn't exactly going to be a rare thing for an immigration official to face. But OTOH some immigration departments seem to have crazy paperwork demands, so thought I'd just check it out here.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by Thames Pirate »

You probably had to fill out paperwork when you changed your name legally. Just make sure you have that (notarized, with apostille, etc.), and it shouldn't be a problem. It might also be a good idea to mention it to the person who hires you before you get into the documents that there is this additional document, though it is probably not necessary.
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Post by PsyGuy »

While @Thames Pirate idea may work, and would be inexpensive, Id contact your UG institution and request a new degree scroll with your current legal name on it, it may run you a couple hundred USD, and you may have to wait until end of term when scrolls are printed, but it would easily be done before next year and would save you the stress and worry.
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by joe30 »

Unfortunately my undergrad university has a policy of never changing names on degrees post-graduation.

Just keep the deed poll paperwork then and hope to run into a friendly immigration official?
Thames Pirate
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by Thames Pirate »

As you said, women deal with this every day. It really is that easy. Proper documentation is generally all that is required. I would, however, request apostilles and not just notarization for all documents. If you have copies of old passports or something, that might help as well, but really, I think you should be fine.
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Post by PsyGuy »


the fact that name changes happen everyday is a feature exclusive to women, so does pregnancy, men do not have the same benefit as their expectation is different. You will get more questions which mat well cause your immigration application to undergo more scrutiny. You may have to submit two CRBs, etc. and this assumes you get an opportunity to explain the issue. You will likely have a higher rejection rate for your immigration application, which may slow your application process.

I would contact your UG institution directly and plead your case that your relocating overseas, and the name issue is going to be a major problem with immigration, they may very well make an exception.

If this doesnt work, then you will need/want your name change documents apostilled. You will need a number of notarized/certified copies of the name change document and then when you accept an appointment have one of the certified/notarized copies apostilled for the country you will be heading too. ISs will generally accept documents apostille for any country, but immigration can be more rigid and less forgiving.
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by scribe »

To get our current visas in a very strict country, we were simply required to submit a notarized name affidavit to cover any name discrepancies, including documents that might only list your middle initial rather than the entire name. You can find templates online, but you simply type up a statement attesting to all the variations of a name that you have gone by (you can have multiple variations on your one document), then get it notarized. If overseas, the US Embassy or a consulate will do this. You simply swear before the notary that what you are affirming is true, they check your ID (and perhaps in your case the paperwork you have regarding the name change) and that's it. So what seemed like a daunting requirement to us actually was quite easy to take care of - hopefully this will work for you as well; the Embassy official we encountered certainly was used to this type of document.
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by joe30 »

Ok thanks all. I've written to my university about this asking for them to make an exception, but in the event they say no, it doesn't appear this is an insurmountable obstacle then? Just potentially a bit more expense and paperwork.
Thames Pirate
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by Thames Pirate »

A few extra documents notarized or apostilled is not really much more expensive or problematic. Just one extra document. No big deal. Just make sure you have it.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Its not going to be a problem, until the day comes that its going to be a problem, and then one immigration officer is going to unwind your appointment. Pregnancy and babies happen all the time with women, not with men, and thats how it is with name changes, because now you have an alias, and all its going to take is having someone with the same name as your UG degree that gets a criminal record, and now someone in immigration has to piece the two of you apart. How much responsibility for your life do you want to pass on to someone else?

If your request to your UG is denied, write to the Uni president, and if that doesnt work right to the board of regents/governors.
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by vandsmith »

you should have some paperwork that dealt with the name change. i'd get a copy of that notarized and apostilled and it will be fine.
my old uni is the same way. getting a doc notarized and apostilled is way cheaper and faster than requesting a new degree.

best of luck!


and p.s. men do go through this sometimes but the incidence is just way lower than it is for women. this is the reason why my wife doesn't share my last name...plus, i don't really care about it that much!
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Re: Different name on passport than degree certificate

Post by joe30 »

Well I wrote to the uni pleading my circumstances, they said no, it's not happening - and also said that I can prove a name change with a Deed Poll anyway. I do have the paperwork proving the name change.

Guess I'll just have to get that notarised and hope for the best.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I wouldnt get too many notarized in advance, for an apostille to be issued the commission of the notary must be current at the time of application for the apostille. Most commissions are valid for 5 years.
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