Education Startups

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fine dude
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Education Startups

Post by fine dude »

With the startup bug finally biting the education sector, is anyone giving a serious thought to quitting their day job to become an entrepreneur? According to my research, venture capitalists invested over 2 billion dollars last year in edtech startups.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its too much work doing a startup and not enough potential for the payoff. Barbara Bergstrom was pretty successful. Otherwise the successful options are basically starting your own ES or forming a consulting group (mostly recruiting). I know ITs that formed their own "house" ISs mostly EC programs.

If you try to do anything in curriculum or metrics the big providers will crush you or absorb you. You can try some kind of app, but education based apps generally dont make much coin, and have low download numbers (no candy crush kind of coin). Khan Academy is the most successful and they havent figured out how to monetize it significantly yet (for that matter much of what Google releases hasnt been monetized). You can try something like teachers paying teachers (if your lessons are consistently that awesome) or becoming a youtube compensated contributor, or start your own podcast and hope your lucky and can make a living off of sponsors and ad revenue.

If you want to fail become a writer/author. I know a couple ITs that spent years writing what they thought was a great book, only to be rejected by every publisher, and eventually self published on Amazon and have made less than USD$100.
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