Guidance Counselor Job Availibility

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Guidance Counselor Job Availibility

Post by wilcoman »

I was considering going back for my Masters in Counseling and was curious about the market for counselors internationally compared to other teaching positions. Is 2 years experience still expected if you have had multiple years teaching experience, but no counseling? Thanks.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Your multiple years of teaching experience are acceptable for meeting the 2 year standard bar for IE, upper tier ISs will be able to be selective and candidates will have counselor experience.

The demand issue is somewhat more complex. In DE the focus is on counselors who have mental health (MH) training and experience. In IE the demand is for guidance counselors who spend most of their tasking involved in Uni admissions and guidance. Counselors in IE have a much lighter MH role, its some critical and acute interventions (most issues are going to be referred out), some admissions testing in the case of SPED/SEN admissions, or parents who want their childs IQ tested. Its a much lighter workload on the MH side.

If you do the typical Masters program as a school counselor (that results in a professional credential) it will be almost all MH, you might have an opportunity to do a guidance elective. The other option is pursuing a school guidance program but doesnt result in a professional credential. In terms of Guidance counselor, there are two factors involved in marketability: 1) Where did you go study. 2) Do you have actual experience in Uni admissions/enrollment.

1) You really want to do your program in an Ivy if you can. A masters from Harvard, McGill, Oxbridge, etc.. and ISs will throw themselves at you to work with their IS, whether you have any experience or not, even 1st tier ISs will be highly receptive to your application.
In many parts of the world (especially Asia), a lot of opportunities are based on relationships and who you know. The parents of students believe that if you went to X Ivy Uni that you will have relationships or connections that you can work to get their child admitted. The assumption is that a reference letter from you, will get special consideration since your an alumni.

2) If you do the traditional credentialing program you will have few if any opportunity to study or work in guidance. Your best option is to get some type of appointment either paid or unpaid in the Uni admissions/enrollment center. You want to be able to answer yes to the guidance question or be able to talk about your admissions/enrollment experience. If that means employment, work study, assistantship, or an internship, you need to do that.
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Re: Guidance Counselor Job Availibility

Post by wilcoman »

Thanks for the thorough response.

On an unrelated note, I have taught this new class called "Project Lead the Way" at the Middle School level for the last 3 years. It deals with STEM education and is in many schools across the USA at the Elementary, Middle, and High levels. Have you or anyone else heard about this class coming to International Schools?
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Post by PsyGuy »


Heard about it yes, coming to IE, no. Real ISs do STEM the old school method by planing, delivering and assessing students in maths, science, and technology courses. Most Pop.Ed C21 and nXtG (Next-Generation) initiatives marketed to lower performing DS in at risk population areas dont play well in affluent, well resourced independent/private ISs where year 6 students are doing Algebra I if not better and the school leaving assessment priority is focused on classical science acquisition. Even if some clueless nob leadership admin got into it its probably expensive and the lower secondary faculty would be very unlikely to recommend another text and workbook set over equipment and resources for their established and preferred curriculum (new virtual printer and laser lathe or new scales and microscopes vs. more stacks of bound paper, Id put money on how that vote would go). Even then its new (hasnt proven itself) and is probably expensive, which is one thing when your playing with a budget funded by tax revenue, its another when the budget is tuition/fee funded and the current curriculum/program isnt broken.
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