Application Advice

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Application Advice

Post by tinopener »

Having a bit of meltdown after applying for almost 20 jobs in ME, some of them ESL, but getting no response. I'm three months from completing a PGCE (with QTS), have a BA (hons) (2:1 grade) in English Lit. and Lang. CELTA certification and over two years' experience of teaching English/Liberal Arts at a bottom-tier international school. I also taught ESL for approx. 3 years.

Would be grateful if anyone could tell me whether this amount of non-responses is the norm or not, so I can thoroughly revise my CV and cover letter if not.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Whats wrong with you?

That kind of non response is unusual for an IT with your resume in a hardship location, especially with ET, usually the requirements are: do you have a pulse?
Okay a couple of issues:

1) You dont have the PGCE done yet, so your not anything which may explain the lack of response from ISs.
2) Your previous IS your using as a reference is sabotaging you.
3) Are you a minority?
4) Are you non-hetro sexual?
5) Did you just recently apply for these vacancies expecting instant contact?
6) Are you only applying for upper tier ISs? The ME is a hardship region but even within region there are tiers.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

It's not completely unheard of, depending on what kinds of schools you are applying to. If I am reading your qualifications right then you are just short of the minimum background that most decent to good schools are looking for (i.e. Certified/qualified and two years of experience, your ESL experience not generally being counted by int'l schools).

So, it is possible that you are experiencing the kind of neglect that we all face at times (admin are generally very poor @ human resources) no matter how attractive a candidate you are. Or you may be over-reaching a bit given that many/most schools will consider you as an entry level candidate.

In any case, keep applying, widen your search and try to keep faith!
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Re: Application Advice

Post by tinopener »

Thanks for the tips.

I've been applying for everything and anything I can find. I'm fully aware that I wouldn't make top-tier, and so have applied to most positions I find on certain websites. What concerns me is the fact that even ESL positions are not getting back to me. I know that competition has increased in the last few years, but I thought given my experience and quals. I could at least bag an ESL job.

The sabotage is an interesting point. My last school did recently ask me to return, with the promise of a pay rise. I do know that the director, a grievous bureaucrat, has threatened teachers before with not giving references. However I assume references are requested only after an interview or before an offer of contract is made. It would seem rather strange that so many of the places I've applied to would simply receive the application, not acknowledge this, contact the referees, then bin it.
Helen Back
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Re: Application Advice

Post by Helen Back »

My wife and I have five years experience each. We applied for 30 jobs this past few months. We got one interview and one job offer. I wish you well, it's tough out there. Incidentally, our references were taken before interview, and we felt the interview was a formality. They wanted us to do well.

A note, your two years experience seems to be on the wrong side of your PGCE, so may not count as two years experience.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by tinopener »

Thanks for the replies, all.

Helen - it's re-assuring (for myself, at least) to see that even qualified and experienced teachers are having the same issue. Best of luck with the job search.

After reading about procedures for references, I'm going to leave my old school's details off the reference list and see if this makes any difference.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I had thought when Id read @WT123s response that they missed the part about you applying for ET vacancies as well. Especially in the ME, they usually take anyone who is breathing and has a pulse. If your getting the silent treatment from ES recruiters as well, there has to be something wrong.

They dont have to contact your references, they can see on your resume the last IS you worked at, Google the IS and send an email or pick up the phone and call.

I would suggest ghosting your current IS from your resume, or changing the entry for it to something non-descript (something that doesnt identify the IS, and wouldnt easily allow a recruiter to contact), then apply for some ET vacancies (they can be anywhere, somewhere you arent targeting but still a hardship area such as Vietnam, China or Myanmar) if you start getting responses then you know its sabotage and you can move from there.

I would concur with @Helen Back, your IE experience is prior to certification, an IS may give you partial step, likely they wont.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

PsyGuy wrote:
> @tinopener
> I had thought when Id read @WT123s response that they missed the part about you applying
> for ET vacancies as well. Especially in the ME, they usually take anyone who is
> breathing and has a pulse. If your getting the silent treatment from ES recruiters
> as well, there has to be something wrong.
True, I didn't originally take the ESL mention as necessarily being English teaching gigs (as opposed to ESL vs English/Liberal Arts teaching area). Obviously if applications for ESL jobs are disappearing down a black hole as well then there is some kind of problem. Even with a problem, you would think some people in that market would bite.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by Ddd »

Apply for as many jobs as you can. Then you can choose if it comes to that. Nearly 20 means nothing today, especially with your experience. Good luck!
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Re: Application Advice

Post by sid »

You should definitely explore the possibilities mentioned above, and also a bit more.
First, apply to a lot more schools. Twenty is nothing. Try 60. Remember that you aren't qualified yet (you're about to be, but most real schools want the actual thing before they ink a contract. You're asking them to take you on faith, when others are a done deal). Remember that you technically don't have any experience at all. Real schools only start counting your experience once you are qualified.
And don't presume that all schools in the ME are bottom tier. There are a lot of decent ones too, and they're competitive.
It's hard to tell without more info, but look closely at the schools you're applying to.
Does it have to be the ME? Broaden your search. Lots of options out there.
Are you applying through an agency, or alone? An agency can point you to schools appropriate for your CV. They can also flag if there is a letter that's not helping you. And it allows schools to see confidential letters as soon as you apply, which could help. If you apply personally without letters, you're an unknown quantity, going up against others who have letters.
And the main hiring season has passed.
Given your CV, you're trying to do something that's pretty hard. Not impossible, but hard. Work harder by applying to a lot more schools. And work smarter, by getting with an agency and broadening your geographic region.
Good luck.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by sid »

And I know you need a job, but you really really really don't want to take an ESL job at this point. It would hurt your prospects considerably. First, it wouldn't really count as experience even post qualification, because you won't be teaching a class in the same way, nor working in a "standard" school. And it would probably be another short stint, two years or less, when what you want is three years and up to show some sticking power.
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Post by PsyGuy »


You should really be applying for any and every vacancy in your teaching field you can, I assumed you were focused on the ME for some reason.

I disagree strongly with @sids ESOL advice, if you need a job, you need a job and doing nothing doesnt help your resume either, if you arent appointed. It would be wise to have a backup/safety plan even if that means teaching ESOL. Yes its not going to count, but doing nothing doesnt count either.

There is no significant benefit to renewing a contract for a third or fourth year. Lots of ITS do their 2 and done revolving door and move up in IE. The three year advice is just fear mongering for recruiters and leadership who want to lower their annual rate of turnover.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by peachestotulips »

Have you at least tried with ADEC? I just saw last week that they are on a hiring spree for 400+ teachers.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by tinopener »

I think there has been a little miscommunication on my part.

I have applied for any position that came up in ME, including, to date, about 10 ESL vacancies that require little experience or certification. I fully understand that I'm nowhere near as attractive a candidate to decent IS in that region, but to not even receive a response from the ESL applications raises a red flag. Then again, perhaps hiring policies and procedures have become even more brutal with the increase in competition.
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Re: Application Advice

Post by peachestotulips »

There has definitely been more than 20 jobs that have been (and are currently) available in the ME. This was in my inbox this morning:

Seeking teachers for 300 vacancies in Abu Dhabi?

"Hi (peachestotulips),

I just took a look at your profile and wanted to let you know about the 300 new teaching vacancies that I’m seeking candidates for. These teaching positions start in August 2016 and are with the Abu Dhabi Education Council (ADEC) in the United Arab Emirates.

ADEC offers some of the most lucrative teaching contracts in the world. Monthly salaries start at $3350 USD and contracts include return airfare, accommodation and health insurance for up to 3 dependents."
Etc, etc...

In my FB groups there are people getting hired in the ME everyday. Keep trying!
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