How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

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How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by cam2016 »

Hello, I attended a job fair this weekend and ended up with three offers. I accepted one and turned down the other two. The one I accepted was completely verbal, the offer was given verbally and I accepted verbally. I did receive an email stating the salary and other info about contract days, health care, relocation package, etc. However, I was not asked to sign anything and have not received an official contract.

My last contact with the recruiter I said I was officially accepting and the recruiter said great, we think it's a great fit, etc and that after returning to school the contract would be completed. Just one business day has passed, I just didn't know how long it normally takes to receive the contract? I did decline the other offers and indicated on the Search website that I accepted an offer at the fair, which deactivated my account. So I hope things are 100% firm.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by rudolph »

If you have accepted a position at a reputable school or even merely a somewhat reputable one, you likely have nothing to worry about. Administrators who are on the road recruiting are extremely busy; they are researching candidates, interviewing, making offers - and during the minimal time in-between those activities, emailing respective administrative assistants or HR depts with your info to get contract sent out. It can take awhile. If you get nervous, send a friendly email - if the administrator is experienced, you'll be met with understanding. In my current position, I was just approaching sending such an email - 2 weeks after verbally accepting (on the phone - fair was over!) when everything came through. The director had been at two other fairs in the meantime, plus all the travel time involved, and checked on everything the minute he got back.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by shadowjack »

SanFran fair is in another two weeks or less. After that things get back to normal. I would wait another week and then send a gentle reminder email inquiring when you can expect the actual contract to sign.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by muguet »

I was recently in a similar situation- I had accepted an offer in writing, and the school had even sent me a contract. I was surprised to find out that this wasn't actually enough, and a few days after sending out the contract, I found out that the position may or may not exist. I hope things turn out better for you!
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Post by PsyGuy »

The rule is only contracts matter (and even then nothings firm until you land at post).

Your scenario is unusual, when recruited at a fair when a contract isnt offered the recruiter typically completes an MOU or LOI (Memorandum of Understanding/ Letter of Intent). All youve received to date is the compensation prospectus, its informative not binding. Your recruiter is being vague and evasive. Not only could your offer vanish, the terms you agreed to could change, and youd have no recourse except to decline.

The position that recruiters and leadership is "busy" is untrue. Even an IS with a lot of recruitment needs, it takes 15 minutes to complete the contract template (and that assumes 10 minutes is used finding the chop/hanko/seal). These tasks are completed by HR staff, even if a recruiter is truly to busy, it is nothing more than a brief email to HR requesting they contact the IT and obtain whatever information they need.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by EllieSLP »

I agree with PsyGuy on this one. Something similar happened to me a couple years ago and it quickly became a headache. If they want you, they will act quickly.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by Walter »

The Fair you were at must have been SEARCH Cambridge. SEARCH is clear - as all major agencies are - that a verbal offer is binding. You should contact your Associate. I think you'll be fine.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by erbear28 »

Some of the job fairs do state verbal offers are binding, that said, when I accepted an offer at a fair like you did, I signed a paper stating I accepted the position and a contract would be emailed shortly. I received a welcome email from the school administrator almost immediately. I would suggest sending a brief, professional email asking when you can expect the contract. Good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »

SA has no enforcement ability/power to compel a binding agreement of an IS. Offers are rescinded/withdrawn all the time, and SA wont do anything. Its the ISs that pay the fees, they are the client not the IT candidate. The only deterrent SA has is dropping an IS, and thats just saying goodbye to coin.
Thames Pirate
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by Thames Pirate »

We didn't have a contract in hand. We were told "pending reference checks." We have since heard from the recruiter, who asked us to follow up with two of the references because he hadn't heard back from them. We did so, and we then heard that two more references were completed. So we are in touch, we are not worried, we know the school is giving us the job, but we have no documentation. Would we be so trusting with every school? Probably not. But that is where your research and experience comes into play. PsyGuy and I are going to disagree (again!). He says contract in hand. I say it depends.
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Post by PsyGuy »

If your contract is pending references (or pending anything), you dont have a contract.
Thames Pirate
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by Thames Pirate »

Sure you do. At least if it is a reputable school and the contact is coming from their HR department, the vacancy is removed from the wall before fair signups, and the listing removed from online databases. Not having a physical contract in hand is pretty normal in some recruiting circles/schools. But you are right to advise caution; I would be hesitant in most instances.
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Post by PsyGuy »

No you dont, we disagree on the definition of "pending". Vacancies once removed can be added and returned to open. Not having a contract is not normal, leadership would like you to think it is, but the rule is only contracts matter.
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by cam2016 »

Well, I see opinions vary. I will let you know how it turns out, but I'm cautiously optimistic. Thanks!
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Re: How soon to receive contract after accepting at a fair?

Post by cam2016 »

Well, I got the contract! Thanks everyone!
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