School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

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Post by PsyGuy »

@Thames Pirate

Work load/balance is why I advocate an IT get a commitment from the recruiter/leadership on contact hours and instructional hours. An IS that isnt willing to discuss this is of the view that they own you, and you will likley be treated as a resource.
Thames Pirate
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by Thames Pirate »

Oh, we had that--we knew maximum contact hours as well as average (well below max). Hubby was scheduled over hours, and while he was paid for the overtime, it was miserable. One other new teacher had the same. Meanwhile two teachers had HALF of what hubby had. When he asked about it, he was told that was simply how the schedule had worked out. The reality was that it was the incompetence of the scheduler and an unwillingness to acknowledge the administrative failures by the new director (not the one who had hired us). The old guy was, while far from perfect, not prone to treating people as commodities. The new guy was. He threw the school into a downward spiral from which it has not recovered despite the fact that he's been gone for a few years.
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by Nomad68 »

@senator: KL, Malaysia - families

Can you expand on this?
I thought the set-up costs for KL (rents etc) was supposed to be very high, and then there's the taxation.
Would KL, Malay still be viable for say a one income family of 4 (spouse, 2 Elementary age kids)?

Do you not need to stay in-country in Malaysia for at least a year for tax reasons?

What advantages does Malaysia offer in terms of families?
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by MartElla »

What was an interesting thread has been ruined by so many posts being deleted. The attempt to replicate this post on the Member Forum has stalled due to a lack of contributors.

Surely the forum could allow some members (of proven knowledge/willingness to post to help other users) on here the chance to participate on the new Member Forum? At least until numbers build up. That would help the Member Forum, which needs more contributors.
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Post by PsyGuy »


I doubt that would happen, part of the protections that allow the member forum to avoid legal entanglement, isnt that its a 'private' section, but that its also a 'members only' section, and that membership requires a cost, otherwise the argument against those legal protections get stronger. The forum really needs members to remit some kind of payment to serve as barriers of entry.
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by adminpaul »

MartElla wrote:
> What was an interesting thread has been ruined by so many posts being
> deleted. The attempt to replicate this post on the Member Forum has stalled
> due to a lack of contributors.
> Surely the forum could allow some members (of proven knowledge/willingness
> to post to help other users) on here the chance to participate on the new
> Member Forum? At least until numbers build up. That would help the Member
> Forum, which needs more contributors.

We understand your frustration. I did just check and I see there are 11 posts to this topic in the new Member Forum.

FYI: In the past when schools were freely discussed on the Open Forum, we continually found ourselves the target of schools threatening legal action due the nature of the comments being posted. Our repeated requests for the people posting the objectionable material to stop doing such only led to an increase in such postings and an increased resolve of schools to get it off the forum. Whether the posts were an organized attempt to discredit ISR and waste our resources, or attempts to bash schools and directors is beyond are ability to determine. In any event, as a final measure we reluctantly found it necessary to not allow "evaluations or rankings" of schools on the Open forum. To this end we installed a Member forum for the express purpose of sharing evaluation type material about schools. Being inside the Member area, the Member forum is exempt from many of the issues that surround an Open forum.

We understand your frustration. We did initially try to set posting standards for the Open Forum but some teachers chose to blatantly ignore them, pushing the limits until we simply had to request that no evaluation type discussions be carried out on the Open Forum.

We appreciate your support and understanding.

Ben @ ISR
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by MartElla »

I understand. It is just that the are some excellent posters on here with tons of experience, and it's a shame we can't have the best of both worlds by having them on there as well. Obviously, I'm on both boards. It is getting larger all the time.
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by jennifermd25 »

I may be offered a position in CPN and don't have any real reservations about the school. However I do not understand what to expect for salary!! Can anyone tell me what a good salary would be for a city like CPN where I would be taken for 42% in taxes? It's looking like it would be a base salary of around 40,000DKK and pension of around 6000DKK. Can two people live on this? One of whom will not have a job? It seems like a pretty dream offer but I also have a cat and not sure how rental spaces are about all of this and cost and moving pet there, etc. I've got a lot to look into! When you are a foreigner paying into these taxes, do you actually benefit from it? Can I attend school there for free for example? Any help from someone currently there would be fantastic
Thames Pirate
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by Thames Pirate »

Denmark takes excellent care of its expats--language lessons, health care, the works. So yes, you do get to take advantage of a lot of it. I haven't lived there, but I do have family there who could tell you more specifically what you do and don't get. I can't speak to cost of living/finding housing as my family neither has a cat nor is in Copenhagen.
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Re: School and/or City You'd be Crazy to Reject

Post by jennifermd25 »

Is there DM on this? Id love to be in touch with a local about housing search, etc.
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Post by PsyGuy »


After tax that would be an 'average' educator salary. Assuming there isnt a housing benefit of the OSH package you can live off it. Have a typical apartment (2LDK) one auto between the two of you (but you could do without a car entirely).

The cat is fine assuming you go through the import process.

Yes, you get a lot for your taxes. You would get free tuition once you obtain PR (permanent residency) assuming you enter on your work permit. The other option is you can use your employment contract and offer to qualify for the "green card scheme" and potentially receive an immediate visa that would allow you to have free UNI tuition once you arrive. Regardless you can take a certain number of enrichment or extended studies courses at no cost from the UNI. These will satisfy PD requirement and maybe qualify you for some form of certificate, but rarely if ever lead to a degree.
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