Dengue mosquito

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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by noahbball »

I was in Honduras for eight years and Dengue was a major problem.

Mosquitoes are very much attracted to me. I told people it was because I was "so sweet". The best thing I ever did was to cut down on mosquitoes chomping on me was eating raw garlic at night before I went to bed. This seriously worked. I don't know if it changed my chemistry or what. I still would wear bug repellent but the raw garlic was a big time help.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Yes I am serious. DEET is fine if your having a patio barbecue where the worst thing your likely to get from a mosquito bite is some itchy bites, maybe an infection from scratching. Were talking Malaria, Dengue, its not Ebola, but you dont want it. Used appropriately its no more dangerous then any other poison you apply to yourself. From my perspective DDT is safer due to administration than most DEET containing repellents. DDT as an insect repellant is more commonly available as a cream that you apply, whee at DEET repellants are commonly administered as sprays which have a higher incident of contaminating food and other objects. Apply DDT, wash your hands well and then shower before going to sleep.
DDT was used as a commercial pesticide in agriculture, that moved through the food chain/web and concentrated in apex predators (such as the eagle). Growers would spray crops with it and then have high concentrations in precipitation run off that entered surface water systems. Personal use was not the cause of any species endangerment. It is still widely available and used in insect control.
Yes DDT is carcinogenic, its poison, what do you expect? DEET isnt too great for you either, it is also poison. Usually what kills insects kills us better.


I know of no IS staff faculty that have died of Dengue. Supportive therapy and care is the most significant factor. It doesnt matter who you are, get Dengue with the benefit of modern plumbing and advance medical care and a non immuno compromised patient has an extremely high survival rate. Take those away and the mortality rate for whoever grows quickly.
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by Mathman »

DDT is such a common pesticide in the developing world. It is only banned for USE in the USA. They are still a major producer of DDT and export it. It is effective at limiting mosquitos, but preventive measures help. Basically don't let them breed near you. If there is a problem with dengue or malaria, the local government is highly likely to gas the area with DDT, whether you notice or not is another thing.
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Post by PsyGuy »


DDT is still available for use in the USA by public health agencies for vector based disease control by insects.
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by tommypizza »

I think the original question was how an individual can prepare for living in dengue zones...What can I do to limit the chance of contracting dengue?

DDT? Well, yes, it has been used to control or eliminate spraying the inside walls of buildings. They did not spray people down...and I can't imagine anyone whipping up their own DDT mosquito cream. Are you kidding me? Google DDT insect repellent cream and see what you

DDT is used by countries, cities, villages etc. etc. NOT by individuals as mosquito repellent. It was once an ingredient in a product called RID for mosquito repellent, but it was discontinued when the toxicity of DDT was discovered.

I would not make a steady diet of 100% DEET either BUT using 30-50% deet spray or lotion is what you need. I do use "jungle juice" or Ben's sometimes (100% DEET) but like I said...a little bit goes a long way. A few drops behind the ears, neck, ankles, wrists and proper clothing is the ticket. DEET can be applied to clothing too..avoiding skin contact.
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by tommypizza »

Oh...and DEET does not kill repels them.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Dead mosquitoes dont need to be repelled. DDT does the same thing, and better. DDT is available as a personal use product, and its very effective. DDT is not absorbed through the skin (assuming you dont mix it with DMSO) the concern with any toxin is exchange and transfer and possible ingestion.

Again, when it comes to avoiding mosquitoes at your western backyard outing I go with DEET products as well, in places where Malaria and Dengue are prevalent and real threats i go with DDT.
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by heyteach »

PG surpasses even himself on this insane "advice." DDT is an insecticidal spray; it is not applied to the body to kill mosquitos. (How about a link to a topical product containing DDT?) In a (hypothetical) strength that would be effective enough to kill a mosquito, death would still be not instantaneous; the mosquito could still bite and infect one before it croaks.

You want the mosquitos to stay away, which is why a repellent is used. The CDC recommends DEET and Picaridin for much more than "backyard barbecues."
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Post by PsyGuy »



I can only assume that you have never seen DDT work in action.
Some people dont understand toxicology. DDT is a chemical toxin it can be sprayed and it can be compounded into various forms of application. You can must certainly apply DDT to the skin and or clothes. Comparing DDT to DEEt is like comparing nerve gas to pepper spray in the insect world. DDT does not absorb or pass through the skin barrier of mammals, it does pass through insect exoskeletons VERY, VERY effectively. DDT is significantly volatile, and creates an "aura" of aerosolized particles around them, these particles enter the readily pass through the mosquitoes bio barriers and effect the nervous system killing them VERY rapidly. This is why DDT is used it kills mosquitoes very very quickly. A mosquito that approached you would be dieing by the time it landed and once contact was made, it would very likely be dead before getting to stick a proboscis into you.
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by tommypizza »

PG...can you copy and paste anywhere, anyhow, anyway...ANY other articles, studies, anecdotal evidence that it's ok to use DDT on the skin for mosquitos, flies, bed bugs etc. etc. etc.?

I have come to the conclusion that you enjoy pulling people's chains or psycho. There is no way that anyone is putting homemade DDT cream on their body. No way...prove it!
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by kleikm »

Anyone knows of any "all natural" spray that REALLY works?
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Re: Dengue mosquito

Post by heyteach »

Kleikm, check the CDC web site I posted above; oil of eucalyptus is mentioned as an effective repellent. It will probably also repel your friends and acquaintances. I hate sprays as they are indiscriminate and go all over the place. My preference is the picaridin wipes.

If there is a DDT cream, it is no doubt made in China by the same company that sold milk and infant formula tainted with melamine and pet foods tainted with contaminated ingredients.
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