AMI Montessori Diploma (3-6) for Trailing Spouse?

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AMI Montessori Diploma (3-6) for Trailing Spouse?

Post by mathphyschap »

Hello all,

I'm a math/physics IB teacher teaching at an international school in Shanghai with a trailing spouse who has a 4 year Bachelors degree in Economics and 2 years Corporate (Fortune 500 Experience) but no teaching experience. She would like to get qualified as an international teacher.

I was planning that we could all (including our baby) go back to the UK in a couple of years so that she could study for a 1 year PGCE (UK Teaching Certificate) and do two years teaching in the UK (Teaching A-level Economics) but recently my wife met another Shanghai Expat wife who has recently completed an 'AMI Montessori Diploma 3-6' and is now teaching at a Kindergarten attached to a well known international school.

I've done a bit of research and it seems this qualification can be studied one year full time or over three summers at various centres around the world.

So I am quite curious whether or not kindergarten qualifications count as 'qualified teacher' . If she got this would we count as a teaching couple?

Any and all feedback most welcome
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Post by PsyGuy »

Do Kindergarten (or Nursery/Reception, etc) qualifications count. Yes, if they are issued by an appropriate regulatory authority and would qualify the DT/IT to provide instructional services in maintained/regulate/public DSs in the appropriate country.

The AMI Montessori Diploma (their are a variety of levels including Infant, EC and elementary) is a category of pseudo credentials. Its much like asking if an IB Professional Teaching certificate is a professional credential, or if a particular religious educator certificate issues by many organizations is an acceptable credential. The answer depends on the IS/DS. ISs are independent/private schools and mostly they can hire who they want.

Your wife would be at a disadvantage with solely an AMI Montessori Diploma, and not accompanied by a professional educator credential in primary education issued by an appropriate regulatory agency.

Would you be a teaching couple? Again, that depends who you ask or what venue you are approaching. If you went to a recruiter and prsented her Montessori Diploma and told them you were a teaching couple they would very likely say okay. Would an IS recruiter consider you a teaching couple? If they have a Montessori program and a vacancy then probably. If they are some "local" third tier DS/IS with a bilingual or international program and they like you then sure you are a teaching couple. Would BIST, etc. consider you a teaching couple, no, your spouse doesnt have a professional teaching qualification from their perspective.

You dont have to return to the UK. You could do a online/distance PGCEi (1 year program) through Keele, Nottingham, or Sunderland while still overseas and then either use that to apply for a US certification, and then using the US certification to apply for QTS, or you could apply for QTS through the Assessment Only (AO) option or you could complete induction at a BSO IS. The PGCEi programs by themselves are at least as accepted and marketable as the Montessori Diploma, and it has more opportunity options for QTS.

The issue I have with your plan is that economics isnt in very high demand, and she may well be waiting far more than 2 years to get an appointment, especially in a metropolitan location.
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Re: AMI Montessori Diploma (3-6) for Trailing Spouse?

Post by mathphyschap »

Thanks Psyguy,

My wife is still pretty keen to do the Montessori diploma but we will also plan for her to do a PGCE(I) afterwards once she gets a position that allows her to do so. I noticed Sunderland does an Early Years PGCE(I).
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Re: AMI Montessori Diploma (3-6) for Trailing Spouse?

Post by mathphyschap »

And just in case any kindergarten/reception teachers read this far when I initially wrote 'I wonder if kindergarten qualifications count as qualified teacher' that was a dumb typo on my part. I meant specifically the AMI Montessori diploma
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