Moving toward admin.. timing?

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Moving toward admin.. timing?

Post by Bellarex »

Hey all, been a long time since I've posted on here. With the inevitable renewal notice window coming, I have a decision to make. I'm inches away from my masters in administration, which would technically qualify me for an admin position next year. My wife and I are in our second year at the school we're currently at, and I have enough credibility here that in the next 2 years I could probably move into an assistant principal position if one would open (which seems likely). Our school is in a crappy location/country, but is a decent school to work for and we're relatively happy.

After this year, I'll have 6 years of experience in the classroom, 4 of which are international. To me, it's preferential to move into an administrator position from within a school, since I'd have the benefit of knowing my way around before taking on responsibilities, and I'd only have one transition (new position) rather than more (new school, country, etc.). However, I'd also rather get in sooner rather than later. I don't want a head principal position, but would prefer the buffer of assistant to learn the ropes. I'm being told by my current admin that it's unusual to land an assistant principal position in a new school without prior admin experience. Can anyone justify this claim? Without knowing me or the detailed factors that go into it, would you say I've got a good shot of getting an assistant principal position in a different school without having had any admin experience, or would you recommend sticking it out in my current school with the hope that I get into an assistant principal role in the next couple years?
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Re: Moving toward admin.. timing?

Post by shadowjack »

I would stay and work into admin at your present school. While you might not like the country, liking the school is much more important. It is also realistic that no matter how good you are, opportunities like this do not come along every day and just because you want to move into admin internationally doesn't mean you will get there. Often it is about who you know and the relationships you have made at previous schools - there is a network out there and people know people who know people.

Getting some admin under your belt opens up a lot of openings for the next level when you are ready. Many schools/directors do not hire assistant principals from outside, preferring to bring them up from current staff, or hire former staff from previous schools who are looking to move up and have maintained contact.

Just my 2 cents.

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Re: Moving toward admin.. timing?

Post by Bellarex »

I appreciate your 2 cents.

There are certainly advantages to staying where we are in Africa. However, we do eventually want to get back to Asia. I never envisioned us living here for more than 2-3 years, but sticking around for admin would mean at least 3 more years after this year (at least one before I can get into admin, then a 2-year AP contract). Also- while my kids are small and relatively happy here, my wife and I don't necessarily love it here. We don't dislike it, I guess, but I'm not sure I want to be here for 3 more years.

Althouuuugh, like you said, it's a seemingly good opportunity to get into admin. And, it would be nice to have a year free of transition or added workload (grad program).

Just wish I could feel confident that I could get into a decent school in a better location either as an AP, or with the opportunity to move up in the next year or so.
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Re: Moving toward admin.. timing?

Post by Nomads »

I would concur with Shadow. The vast majority of AP positions are filled internally. I was actually an exception to the rule, but I had interviewed with the director previously and had a large number of former staff from that school promoting me. One thing for you to consider is if you do move up to administration in your current school, you will be expected to stay in that role for two or three years.

You may want to consider trying to move to a larger school in the area you want to live, establish yourself there, then try to move into admin.

Good luck.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Concur with SJ, there are three ways into Admin:

1) You start at a lower tier IS, and after everyone moves on you get an admin position. The IS knows you and ownership likes you and trusts you.

2) You have prior leadership experience in the west or IE and you get recruited like anyone else. This is the usual path for senior leadership positions.

3) You marry someone or know someone in ownership, and they like you and trust you.
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