Finding Jobs with Husband as Dependent

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Finding Jobs with Husband as Dependent

Post by ExpatGeneral »

Hello. I'm an American citizen currently teaching abroad. My husband is Indonesian. We don't have children. I'm interested in possibly making a move to another country (I'm open minded about where) but am wondering if anyone has any experience bringing a non-teaching spouse with them while teaching internationally? Where did you go/teach? What problems did you experience? Were you able to make enough money to support both yourself and your spouse?

Please respond if you have personal experience in this specific situation and give details about the location and quality of life where you taught.

Thank you in advance.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Trailing spouses always find it more difficult. Yours more so since your spouse isnt a westerner. ISs depending on region may have difficulty procuring a visa for your spouse, and as a result move on to a logistically easier hire.
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Re: Finding Jobs with Husband as Dependent

Post by adminpaul »

In the Articles and Information section of the site you'll find the following. I think this is what you are looking for.

https://internationalschoolsreviewdiscu ... ng-spouse/
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Re: Finding Jobs with Husband as Dependent

Post by migratingbird »

I have a trailing Kenyan spouse so I'm in similar boat. We moved on from Kenya last August. The fact that you are married, and not just partners, is good news as visa issues tend to arise not from their nationality but from not being married. However, Psyguy is right, and some countries are put off by having to explore different visa options. When I started applying for jobs last August (my first time looking with hubby in tow), I had a lot less interest than I've had previously. This could be because there are more people out there job hunting now, or because of my situation. I'm positive that, in some cases, having the trailing spouse (plus we have a young daughter) played a part. However, I secured 4 interviews and was offered 2 positions, both in good schools (not the best, but good) in desirable locations. I contacted both schools that rejected me after interview and asked if the family situation was part of the reason, and they both said no and explained their choice. Whether what they said was true or not I'll never know, but I'm actually exceedingly happy with the job I have so it all worked out for the best.

Money-wise, we manage but we're frugal. I always made sure, at interview, that I asked about the possibility of managing on the salary, and if there were others in the same situation at the school. It happens that there are quite a few where I work now, so I knew it could be done. We're managing to save a small amount right now, and know that our current job/country cannot be permanent.

One other thing to consider. Life as a trailing hubby can be lonely, more so than being a trailing wife, as there are very few others like you. Especially when you add in the different nationality and everything that comes along with that. My husband has luckily managed to find employment, and is slowly building up his own friendship network. Our story has a happy ending :) Be confident, and be honest about your position.

Am happy to answer any other questions you have :)
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Re: Finding Jobs with Husband as Dependent

Post by ExpatGeneral »

Thanks everyone, for the replies. They've all been very helpful. I'm still not sure if I'll be staying in Indonesia, going back to the states or somewhere else, but it helps to hear about experiences from people who are in the same boat.
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