Annual contract to include summer

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Annual contract to include summer

Post by saxophone »

Does anyone have any advice or experience with negotiating a contract that ends before the next one starts? Typically, contracts would be from mid August to mid-August, but because my school is low-tier, my contract ends July 1. This jeopardizes my (Japanese) insurance and puts my son's day-care status in danger. I am not being renewed, so I expect the headmaster to deny any salary, but perhaps employment dates could be adjusted.

Thank you for your help!
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Re: Annual contract to include summer

Post by dover2013 »

Why on earth would an employer pay you beyond the end of your contract? Wouldn't it have been better to negotiate with your next employer and see if you could start the contract earlier?
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Re: Annual contract to include summer

Post by sid »

I have to agree, though I also sympathize.
You are offering nothing to your employer, and in return you would like them to give you something. This isn't negotiating, it's begging.
Can you come up with a scenario where they hire you for the month to do some work that needs doing?
Otherwise, it's time to start figuring out how to get temporary insurance and sort your daughter's spot without involving your current employer. You might be able to keep the insurance, for example, if you pay for the extra time after your employment ends.
Dover is right, your new employer might be able to help. I've benefited in the past from an employer starting my insurance before my contract started, and with me paying the fee for that period.
And for the record, there is no "normal" for when contracts start and end. I've had mostly starts on either 1 August or 1 September, but also some mid-month and 1 in July. Sometimes I've been lucky when switching jobs, getting double pay from new and old employers for a month, and other times I've gone without pay for a month or so. It all evens out in the end...
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Post by PsyGuy »

Agree mostly with Sid, there is nothing typical about an August-August contract some are June some July some at other times and some are less than 12 whole months. I dont know who your health care insurer is but you can always switch to NHI, you will just have to pay the premiums. No one is "in danger" when it comes to day care, its day care, and your unemployed so you can always watch him.


1) Read your contract very carefully is your salary based on per month or per year? If per year have you been paid the entire salary?
2) Have a meeting with your HOS, this may be a non issue, they may intend on paying you for the full year. At the very least you can strongly suggest a course of action that would avoid conflict.
3) If the answer is no, ask for an accommodation, sure its begging, but money is money.
4) Go to Hello Work and then your ward office and inquire about filing for unemployment. They can give you a document that will allow you to pay the minimum premium for NHI, and can also refer you to a subsidized day care provider if you are eligible.


1) You are entitled under Japanese law to 30 days notice or 30 days wages in lieu of notice. You could file a labor standards dispute claiming you never received notice.
2) You can then use that position as leverage to negotiating an extension to your insurance and daycare eligibility.
3) You will likely not receive a positive reference but my inference is that this isnt an amicable separation.


1) Do you have any leverage, have any dirt, know where the skeletons or bodies are buried. Your IS likely wants to go to extreme lengths to avoid any embarrassment.
2) Can you manufacturer some leverage or an angle, that would be embarrassing if it went public? Maybe an admin or IT has spent too much time in a private conference with a student? Maybe an inappropriate relationship or harassment? Someone on the leadership team or ownership made an inappropriate invitation to you or your spouse? Maybe someone is embezzling, or certain pieces of information make indicate financial dishonesty? TMP doesnt have a lot to do, and scandal and embarrassment are so important to avoid in Japan, the cost is so low for the IS to keep everyone happy.
3) You wont get a positive reference.
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