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Post by Nomad68 »

What are good salaries/packages like in Kuwait? (I tried to search here but it wasn't playing ball!) My wife has worked briefly in Kuwait (although not as a teacher nor in schools). She described the experience as Saudi-lite - an ugly country, not very good infrastructure and rather unpleasant, arrogant locals. Do school packages reflect this? The few I have seen in my speciality don't seem to reward the experience and there are a lot of bad school reports here on ISR. So what's the real deal there?
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Post by shadowjack »

If I were going to go to Kuwait it would be when I was starting out or finishing up. Nothing else.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Well those reports and your wife are telling the real story. Kuwait isnt the type of region ITse stand in line at a fair to go to. Its an assignment they accept because they either 1) Cant do any better professionally, and get desperate or 2) Theyre a mercenary and they go for the coin.

Whats "good"salary, ::looking around for Sid::, how long is a piece of string? 2000 KD most people would describe as good. Is that generous, adequate, fair or poor compensation depends more on you than some objective scale or anything else.

I know people that like Kuwait, and others that even thrive in Kuwait (the ones that do well tend to be very focused and motivated on the coin), still you can get more elsewhere and with a better quality of life. Which brings up the first group I mentioned above, in that there are a significant group of ITs that are in Kuwait and the ME because they cant get employed anywhere else. The ME in general has a difficult time recruiting they don't get to be very selective. A Kuwait IS might get 10 applications for a position mostly entry level ITs or down on their luck ITs recovering from a negative reference, or those who are running away from something. Compare that to a lower tier IS in WE that will get a 100 applications for one vacancy or an elite tier IS in JP like ASIJ that will get a 1000 for one vacancy.

So to an IT whose options might be returning home to supply/relief teaching or moving into ESOL, the idea of getting paid better than those options and still "teaching" their subject an offer at an IS in Kuwait doesnt look so bad.
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Post by Nomad68 »

Thanks for the replies. So I assume then a good package in Kuwait - for a qualified, experienced IT with years clocked 'at home' and internationally - would be annual flight(s), furnished accomm with paid utilities (excl phone and internet), medical cover (excl. dentistry), salary in the region of 2000KD, free school place for one dependent child, one month per year served gratuity?
Sound about right?

Because that seems pretty reasonable.
But on average what are schools actually offering/prepared to pay?

BTW, I'm asking out of general curiosity. I've seen very few openings for my specialism in Kuwait and many of the ISR reports have put me off. I only see it as a potential future work location IF I really had to as it would still be better than returning 'home'(!)
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Post by sand_fan »

I can only comment on one school which considers itself in the top 5 in Kuwait. Pay starts at barely $30k US with flight there and back every year,health insurance and housing in an apartment very close to the school. Your costs are very low, but Kuwait is expensive if you try to keep up with the Kuwaitis. Eat like the Indians and it costs less. It is either hot or the air is full of dirt and dust, so much so I saw it rain mud. If you learn to ride the bus, transportation is cheap. The taxi drivers will rip you off and it doesn't help that many who want to "indoctrinate" you when you arrive, actually believe that it is fair what the cab drivers try and do. Some of the worst advice I have gotten came from those who have been here a few years. I think they need to get out more. The place is safe, but if you get freaked out by ME culture you will not like it.

Not sure how to address the teacher comments since i'm here, I guess I might fall into one of those categories. In my experience, it is not a place to improve as a teacher (except in classroom management skills - even those who are good will be tested). The low pay can be offset by extras like tutoring, but some the comments I've read saying you can double your pay seem a little ambitious. Id say you can consistently pick up an extra $1000-$1500 without getting sick of it. If you avoid blowing money on maids and personal drivers and eating like a Kuwaiti, you can save well over half of your pay. From what I can tell, everyone is just another face coming through the door. The concept of working to retain staff seems pretty far removed from the local approach. It is pretty boring both at work and after, so be prepared to entertain yourself.
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Post by Nomad68 »

Many thanks - it certainly sounds grim. I think in comparison I would rather go back to Qatar - better infrastructure, better pay, and tutoring. Hopefully I won't have to but you never know in these uncertain times.
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Post by shadowjack »

Once upon a time, deep in the depths of time, I taught in Kuwait. The dinar was worth 5 of my home dollars, the pay was north of 3,000 a month for a teacher with a few years experience, and the conditions were good.

Fast forward almost two decades. The pay is the same, the dinar is worth less of my home dollars, and the benefits have decreased.

Those who teach in Kuwait are not just as PsyGuy describes. Often they are first time international teachers who know no better, go to a smaller fair, meet up with a school from Kuwait (or Qatar. or the Emirates, or one of the lesser Saudi schools, or Egypt, or China) and are enthralled that the school embraces their teaching philosophy, offers housing (gasp! "They even pay for my OWN apartment!") and all the perks of a regular contract.They sign on the dotted line, get over there, discover the reality and either do a runner in the year, do a runner at the end of the year, carve out their own niche and do two years, but most teachers move on after two years. Not all, but most.

As I said, it is a place for those starting or finishing their career.
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Post by Nomad68 »

It would be for pension padding at the tail-end of my career IF it comes to that...but I think places like the UAE and Qatar offer better alternatives. Thanks again for the informed replies.
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Post by sid »

Why are you looking for me, PG? I really don't know about Kuwaiti packages, and I don't post about things I don't know about.
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Post by PsyGuy »


My sincerest apologies, as I intended no offense, I was citing in reference to the phrase "How long is a piece of string?" as it is a familiar response and comment that I attribute to previous posts of yours. Again, my most humble apologies for any insult.


A majority of ITs would likely find that compensation package acceptable and agreeable. I dont think youd get that much and it wouldnt be an average package, I've seen ITs offered more, Ive seen a lot more offered closer to half that amount. There are ESOl teachers making under 1000 QD without an OSH package.

I cant see KW as a place to end a career, you have to have some very serious issues and problems if KW is the best viable option you have end career.
SJ expands on a very common position that KW like much of the ME directs their recruiting efforts and resources on naive and young ITs who for a lack of knowledge or experience do not know any better, or have better options.
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Post by sitka »

Questions I would ask myself before moving to the GCC:

1) Am I single? Married couples tend to enjoy life here more (exception is probably Dubai).

2) Do I like to ./drink? Drinking is either banned (Kuwait/KSA) or expensive (UAE/Qatar/Oman/Bahrain). If you like to ., it will be either boring or expensive.

3) Do I like the heat? It will get hot.

4) Will my students be predominantly locals or international? There will be a huge difference.

5) Am I a confident driver? Driving here can get a little crazy, but life without a car will be incredibly inconvenient.

My quality of life index within the Gulf goes like this:

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