Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

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Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by missy »

Can someone who has either lived or is still living in Doha share the pros and cons
of living there ? ( I have done lots of research but now I would like to hear from international teachers.)
Is it easy to find taxis ?
Are there movie theaters ?
Good beaches ?
Great gyms/spas ?
Lots of restaurants ? (Any cheap ones ?)
How much do you spend on groceries per month ? Are you able to save ?

ANYTHING would be helpful.
Many thanks in advance.
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by expatteacher99 »

Never lived in Doha but we have visited many times.

Yes, there are several movie theaters. Lots of restaurants ranging from fine dining to midrange western chains to dirt cheap restaurants where the low paid workers like to go. Beaches aren't the most amazing in the world but are decent. Our expat friends joined the health & beach club of a big hotel so they can access their beach. Metered taxis (the teal ones) seem to be plentiful in the touristic and commerce areas --not sure about in the outer parts of the city.
Cheery Littlebottom
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by Cheery Littlebottom »

Is it easy to find taxis ? Usually. It's better than it was. If at all possible book in advance for known events. Usually not too difficult outside the big malls or hotels
Are there movie theaters ? Yes, lots, if you can stand the behavior of the other clientele
Good beaches ? Yes, some. Just don't expect to be able to wear a bikini. There are some fairly remote places that are quite easy to get to that have their own stark appeal, however, you will find that many more accessible places have a dozen or so land cruisers and tents. You probably won't get hassled, especially if you are in a group, but you have to be sensitive to local opinion. The locals can be quite friendly in these circumstances but you wouldn't want to be in Daisy Dukes and a bikini top..The manicured beaches at the hotels have varying guidelines with the general trend being towards conservatism in recent years. The beach at the Cultural Centre, Katara, costs a fortune to actually get onto and is very strictly regulated with regards to dress. If you want to "go western" you can pay to be at the pool in one of the big hotels like the Intercon, or join a club like the Dip(lomats) Club. Sometimes compounds have pools you can hang out at, but you need to consider the views of your neighbours. Some other beachs get frequented by hordes of the poor young men they import to do the labour, mainly from SE Asia. They sometimes get bused out in droves. You would need to avoid these situations because you would get stared at and surrounded. I doubt anyone would harm you but you would attract immense and uncomfortable attention. The best thing is to go with a group of friends and find somewhere ways up the coast. Often, though, beaches out of town can have trash on them.
Great gyms/spas ? Yeah, tons, to suit every budget. Probably have access to one at your school. If you get a job with a QF school in Doha you can use a variety of excellent facilities for free.
Lots of restaurants ? (Any cheap ones ?) Tons. Some really good food there. The best cheaper restaurants are Egyptian or Lebanese and you'll soon find your favourites.
How much do you spend on groceries per month ? Are you able to save ? Depends on your salary. The absolute top of the range salary for a teacher is about 25,000QAR a month. I was on 23,250 when I left. This is a LOT of money. However, chances are you'll be offered between 12,000-16,000. Anything less and I would be raising my eyebrows. I know teachers in the local schools are payed extremely badly at as low as 4,000. Groceries can be expensive. The quality of the fruit and vegetables is extremely variable. fruit, in particular was a HUGE disappointment. Things like peaches would look lovely, cost a ton, then taste like cardboard or be brown throughout the middle. Minute quantities of things like raspberries could cost $6-7 for less than 100g! The trick to saving is to cook from scratch with the dependable vegetables and cheaper meats, avoiding imported salads and the usual expensive refined rubbish.
Pros and cons in general: You can do very well there. It is generally very safe, with the biggest threat to life and limb being the unspeakable driving habits of the locals (I shall leave it at that but I could rant...) There are lots of fantastic, high calibre sporting events you can see very cheaply, the healthcare can be very good but you need to make sure you get worldwide coverage. There is shopping everywhere if that's your bag. Lots of big hotels and nightclubs and a few things to get around an see.
The cons..........for me, it's all artifice. Shallow, flashy and laden with hypocrisy. No culture, no real history, and the very dark unpleasant underbelly that usually accompanies authoritarian regimes. We had a saying...instead of grin and bear it, grin and bank it! Good luck.
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by missy »

23,250 QR !!!!??? Wow! How many years of experience did you have at the time ?

Thanks to the both of you for all this information.
Cheery Littlebottom
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by Cheery Littlebottom »

22 years, masters + various other credits.
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by missy »

Cheery Littlebottom wrote:
> 22 years, masters + various other credits.

Wow! You are way ahead of me in terms of qualifications!
If I have more questions in terms of salary/benefits- can I PM you ?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its not hard to get Taxies, its not easy, id say it better than NYC.

Yes there are movie theaters but your not going to find a lot of the typical western blockbusters especially the R rated stuff that has nudity etc.

Yes there are beaches but anything convenient isnt going to be cheap and as CLB writes, you cant wear a Bikini, or anything really revealing. A one piece with a wrap is more accurate. Of course there are private clubs and centers with different standards of dress, but in general its very conservative.

Gyms/Spas are pretty accessible and available, your school and compound will likely have one. They are more segregated though between the genders. Which may be a benefit to you. If you join a private one though they are expensive.

Yes their are cheap restaurants cant say any real good ones. Foreign fair tends to be very expensive (a bowl of pasta and sauce is pretty expensive) and local cuisine is pretty boring and uninspiring its basically variations of flat bread and grilled meat on a stick.

You can save a lot, thats the only reason to go to the ME.
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by Mike »

Lots of cheap good food... Hello Thai Snack??

I promise you Psycho Guy has never touched foot in Doha.

Though I generally like his posts. Where were you by the way??
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Post by PsyGuy »

You cant make that promise, and Thai Snack is cheap, I wouldnt call them good.
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Re: Doha,Qatar/Pros and Cons ?

Post by derPhysik »

Worked there for two years. Access to all the food you want, more or less expensive.
Hotel bars for Westerners are full of men of all stripes and pretty boring.
You can get a liquor license and buy and bring home all the alcohol you need.
Best plan is to make friends with as many as you can, (it is small and insulated, be on your best behavior) and make your own fun.
My best experiences were getting to know Indian workers and their families, and eating the best Indian food I have ever had in my life.
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