Anyone else hearing crickets?

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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by vandsmith »

keep your chin up.
the reviews are good for a general picture of what a few people think, it doesn't usually encapsulate or describe the school fully.
if you're very selective on where you want to go that could make things more difficult.
this being your first year you should get some hits from SA, ME, and ASIA. if you haven't yet, you will.

good luck.

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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by lookingforlefty »

Those reviews confirm what you might expect: most schools aren't very good and also are bad places to work. If you don't keep your head down and fit in, it's just a matter of time before you are done over. This is true of first-tier schools as well as third-tier, so it's not like you missed out on great places to work if you don't have a job by now.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Sorry, Im not a cheerleader, Im a realist, data is the only thing that matters, and from your reports, Its just sounding more and more like the schools arent interested. You got nothing from Search, your getting nothing from your email applications and responses, and your in a decent enough place that by the time the schools that are interested in you contact you, you wont be interested in those schools.
Your that DUFF girl waiting for the popular boy to call you, and hes talking to the mean girls. This isnt Disney, these issues dont get solved with a montages, star wipe, with background pop song. Your range of expectations as they are dont overlap with your marketability. You thought you were a rock star, and now your finding that once your backstage your not even an opening act. Your just milling around waiting for someone to clash with the production manager or someone gets sick or checks in to rehab and you move up on the roster and get some stage time. I get it, but the venue your working isnt going to change because your frustrated, you need to look at other venues that will value you, but wont be nearly as nice or top billed.

Reviews do represent in general a minority opinion, even the best schools have complainers and legitimate issues. Its the persistent quantity of negative reviews over time that signify the train wrecks.
Last edited by PsyGuy on Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by nikkor »


Hang in there, it's not over until it's over, and this might only be the 7th inning stretch. Even if your search profile indicates that you are not the best candidate, you can still get an offer. A bad recommendation is not a deal breaker, but you have to understand that it will limit your opportunities, and be ready to take the opportunity that fits you best. In intl teaching, most of the time water finds it's level.
I've filled out Search recs for nearly perfect candidates and I've filled out recs for poor candidates. In the end, they all received offers. I've seen a strong candidate with high aspirations struggle mightily until he landed a dream job in April, and I've seen poor candidates who only want to move on, go to the job fair and quickly sign on for their next middling experience.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The level may not be what she wants or can accept.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by MizMorton »

Do you recommend "reminding" a school if you're still interested? Is it better to be a squeaky wheel, or just be quiet and take a hint? There was one school that said no to us about a month ago. The jobs remained active on Search. I wrote them to say that we were still very interested, if they were having trouble filling the positions. The next day, the positions had been deleted. I consider that a success if it got someone to just update their jobs list.

But as of today, another school has updated two positions we've applied for. The head told us at the fair that he had filled them just before our interview. Should I bug him again?
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Post by PsyGuy »

I dont recommend it. The rule is when a school wants you, they really want you, they dont play hard to get, they dont wait three days before calling, they dont tease you. When they want you they show it and they make things happen. Reminding them your interested is just a display of desperation to schools. Ignoring applicants is how they reject them

Instead of reminding them I would take the view that you dont know what these positions are, they could be new vacancies in the same subject. They could be a repost and they dont know if your available anymore and schools arent going to mail blast all previous candidates and ask if they are interested or still available. Just reapply for the position as if it was a new vacancy. If they are interested they will get back to you, rather quickly, if a couple days or a week go by, then they dont want you right now.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by senator »


Man, are you oblivious or what?

I know I am often blunt but at least I know when the people on the thread are doing their best to ignore my comments.



Be as selective as you need to be. And remember that I worked in a few schools and believe me, not getting an offer has nothing to do with your talents as a teacher - just as working at a Tier 1 school does not mean you are any good at all. Just wait and see what opens up and feel free to email schools you have no intention of being a part of just to get the interview experience.
It's good that you are happy where you are - it lets you work from a position of strength rather than one of panic and desperation - I saw enough of that at EVERY job fair I ever went to.
Good luck!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Whats the "or what" option specifically? No one has to read my posts, its not like my posts grab you through the screen.

This isnt therapy, its an open forum, readers post inquires, they get responses. If you want support thats what Facebook is for. If you just want to dump and not engage in discourse start a blog, or again use Facebook.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by MizMorton »

Thank you very much, Senator. I needed that, I've been avoiding this place a little, and I do feel better. 45% [of teachers who get hired post-fair] is a good number, it is still February, and new jobs are still popping up here and there.

PsyGuy, why shouldn't this be for support? Really, why not? And why do you get to decide what it's for, and be the Comic Book Store Guy who has to put everyone in their place? Constantly harping on "every teacher thinks he's a rock star, and they're not" is kind of demoralizing (and what is a DUFF girl?). I know you have 9274 certifications and degrees but I'm going to say something I have wanted to say since I joined: Please, please, for the love of all that is holy, YOU ARE = YOU'RE. Not YOUR, which indicates possession. We are educators!
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by reisgio »

I empathize with those who want moral support, but really, international education is not for the faint of heart. PsyGuy is nothing compared to the admins you may find yourself working for if you are "lucky enough" to get an offer. Or the single who will stab you in the back, work for peanuts to live in Europe, and sell her soul while you won't because you have to think of your children. If you want a more supportive environment, I would recommend working in an independent school in America; these schools (many, not all) often are more reputable establishments and have longer serving heads who are invested in their communities; therefore, these heads/recruiters are less likely to behave poorly to potential recruits since they may have to face them in the supermarket one day instead of just jetting out of London or Bangkok with no intention of ever being bothered by them again.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by wrldtrvlr123 »

reisgio wrote:
> I empathize with those who want moral support, but really, international
> education is not for the faint of heart. PsyGuy is nothing compared to the
> admins you may find yourself working for if you are "lucky
> enough" to get an offer. Or the single who will stab you in the back,
> work for peanuts to live in Europe, and sell her soul while you won't
> because you have to think of your children. If you want a more supportive
> environment, I would recommend working in an independent school in America;
> these schools (many, not all) often are more reputable establishments and
> have longer serving heads who are invested in their communities; therefore,
> these heads/recruiters are less likely to behave poorly to potential
> recruits since they may have to face them in the supermarket one day
> instead of just jetting out of London or Bangkok with no intention of ever
> being bothered by them again.
True enough is some ways, but this is OUR forum where teachers come to inform and hopefully to support each other. I think a variety of opinions and experiences is healthy and useful and not all of them are going to be completely positive.

And yes, every now and then someone just wants/needs some moral support and someone on a rainbow crapping unicorn to tell them to hang in there, things could still turn out OK.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by shadowjack »

Rainbow crapping unicorns are great - along with Prince Cinnamon Boots!
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by Sudra2r2 »

MizMorton, I wanted to post a reply to let you know you are not alone. Both my husband and I resigned from our jobs in November, (overly) confident that our experiences would mean we were snapped up. We are now quickly approaching March and we have had very little interest in our applications. We both feel like we are ready to move further up into senior leadership (we only have experience of curriculum coordination) and have been targeting our job hunt accordingly. Trying to find a school that has two leadership positions is hard enough, let alone a school that is willing for a husband and wife team to lead together.

Although we understand that this situation means we are not going to be first choice for most schools, we had hoped that the experiences we bring would make us stand out. We have wondered about our references being an issue too, as we were so unprepared for this lack of interest.

We have decided to wait until the end of March before lowering our expectations and applying for teaching jobs anywhere. Maybe this will be too late and we will miss the boat entirely. However, I'm not quite ready to give up on my dreams and aspirations yet. Even if, day by day, this optimism is fading.
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Re: Anyone else hearing crickets?

Post by giraffe0345 »

Sudra, I think if I was in your position I would reassess now.

I think one of you breaking into leadership would be tough but two near impossible. Why not one of you go for leadership and one teaching with a view to working way up? Or target a good school you want to stay at, both as teachers again with a view to working your way up?

Are you overseas at the minute?
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