Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

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Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by writer »

I have been teaching overseas off and on for the last 20 years and have managed to renew my NC license without much trouble, but my situation has now changed. I sold my house, so no longer pay property tax, etc....I basically have no real address anymore. And apparently NC is being a real stickler for proof of residency. aaargh!!! Any ideas??? How do people deal with this??? Advice welcome!
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by bananas »

Do you have any friends/ family whose address you could "borrow"?
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by heyteach »

If you have credit cards you would have to have an address on file. Where does that mail go to? Yes, you probably do it all online, as did I, but still got bank notices (delivered to my sister's address). What about your state/federal taxes? How do those get paid and from what address?
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by Monkey »

I just had to deal with this problem last year. My state is a stickler for the proof of residence part. You can't use just any bill that gets mailed to you; it must be a bill that proves residence, like an electricity bill, mortgage, etc. So a cell phone bill or credit card bill won't work. The only thing I had that would work was the prior year's tax return with the address on it. And now I don't have to worry about my DL again for 10 years!
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by writer »

Ah, yes. the tax return. Yep, will have that for 2014, so that MIGHT work. However, wouldn't I have to use that address on the license? It seems like any other address I had on it would require me to show proof of residency for that particular address. Thanks for advice, everyone! I will ponder this.
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by shadowjack »

I just moved in with my brother/sister/mother/uncle/cousin - here is my bank statement going to that address. Here is a letter from them stating that I am now living there, with a copy of their own DL so you can see the address is the same.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I used my voter registration card, with the address for my Postal Box on it. The USPS started allowing you to use their street address a few years ago.

I dont know where you are but why not just dump your US drivers license and get a local one? I never really understood the attachment people have with things from home. If you dont live there why keep a drivers license from there?
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by sid »

The DMV for your state probably has a webpage where you can see the list of acceptable ways to prove residency. Utility bills are often the easiest. If you can get a friend or relative to put their oil bill in your name for a few months, that should do it. I had to do mine recently, and got away with mortgage documents for a rental house I own. Make sure you use an address where you can receive mail. My recent renewal required me receiving no less than 3 separate letters at my designated address. Other states are easier, or at least they used to be. I remember renewing by just walking in with a handwritten envelope duly postmarked, and walking out with a new license that same day. I'm dating myself...
As for why, because it's really useful to have a US license. Other countries will often give you a licence just on that basis. No tests or worse... lessons. But they don't extend that same courtesy to licenses from other countries. And when you eventually go back to the US, you don't want to have to re-do the whole process from learner's permit to test. Far easier to renew every ten years.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Wow you mean there was a time you could walk into a DMV give them an envelope and walk out the same day with a license? Did they hand print/type this license on some card stock, put a sticker on it then laminate it with an iron?

Japan, didnt give me a license based on my US license, I had to take the drivers test three times, still its nothing compared to what they make Japanese nationals do. I find an EU license works wonders, and is widely accepted without all the hoops of a US license.
Ive had an expired US license before and didnt have to take any lessons or tests to get it renewed. The fee was a little higher, but again it depends where you are and what state your in.
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by sid »

I think actually it was chiseled into a stone tablet, but same day service, yes.
An EU license is lovely, but does require one to take up residency in the EU in order to obtain it. Perhaps somewhat more difficult than just renewing the US one.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Perhaps, but you dont reside in the States either, you live overseas, so how is gaming the EU system of residency different from gaming the US system of residency. Perhaps the point is that its easier to game the US system?
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by sid »

With a US passport, all I need is some mortgage documents or a utility bill, and I can get a US license. In the EU, that wouldn't be so simple. So perhaps, yes.
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Post by PsyGuy »


If you had an EU passport and not a US passport the EU license would be significantly easier. That said, cant disagree on the ease of gaming the US system. They pretty much give licenses to everyone.
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by writer »

Does anyone from Florida have any experience with this situation?
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Re: Renewing a US drivers license when you work overseas

Post by writer »

Does anyone from Florida have any experience with this situation?
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