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My Goodness, Dave

Post by Walter »

I don't know what you were smoking when you wrote this riposte, but I suggest you take more tobacco with it next time.
"The ME is poo..." What a sensitive and nuanced appraisal of all of those countries and the hundreds of millions of people! It's always good to recognize a true internationalist.

Your arithmetic stuff is too bizarre to try to unpick. Please read through what you wrote. The leaps and jumps you make are astounding. What on earth allows you to assume that, because I said I don't draw a distinction between a teacher of five years' experience and another with six, consequently nothing happens of any value within a year and hence there are only two years' difference between someone who has taught for two years and someone who has taught for five? You're mixing up two entirely different ideas. In simple terms, and I know I have to keep things simple for you, a teacher with two years' experience is still a novice teacher; a teacher with five years' experience is an experienced teacher. That is a distinction that matters to me. The little bit more experience of six years versus five matters a lot less. I think you would find that most recruiters would agree with that position. Since you have never been a recruiter, you'll just have to take my word on that.

Then you talk about the "primary error" I made in assuming that progress in performance is linear. Dave, I specifically said that progress is non-linear and not consistent. Please read the big words.

And of course not everyone is destined to be a great teacher...just like not everyone is destined to be a great artist or a great soccer player. That doesn't mean to say that people can't become better as teachers - or as artists or soccer players. You really do love chop logic don't you? Especially when your arguments are so feeble.

You keep asking me to show the research, but you are the one who has claimed research backing for his opinions. And you do this again. All I am asking is which research is providing the data. And you can't give me an answer because you have no data.

Dave, please take a rest from this conversation. I don't think it's doing you any favors.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I take by your use of "stuff" and reference to "poo" that it was the only terminology you understand, Though i an appreciate how you wouldnt know what "nuance" means outside of whats written in a dictionary. Thats something you cant discriminate between, the difference between "knowing" and "understanding". Thats the classic admin Walter way "if I cant understand it, it must be nonsense".

Yes, you said "linear" but you dont grasp what that means, your just using words that make your argument sound credible. lIke some admin with an over inflated ego who believes they can vomit technical jargon, and others will "ohh" and "aww" over their use of big words. You cant validly argue that your carpenters "improvement" improves linearly, and then claim that learning is non linear. Is the learning and improved performance linear or isnt it? You dont even realize that the carpenters performance improvement that you described is a linear relationship.

Again the error in your argument, as i described in my rebuttal of determinism, is that no one is destined to be a great teacher because no one is destined for anything. Your argument and premise is that while "not everyone is destined", infers that some people are destined. Thats just more hocus pocus astrology, and magic.

Since you cant seem to decide if you agree with me on merit or disagree with me on principal, I see that again you have no evidence or data to support your claim that despite all the factors and variables you acknowledge that teacher experience is a statistically significant variable in educator performance, you just have more rhetorical attacks.

My own counsel will i keep on what position is sufficently strong to withstand debate, ive never lost any sleep over what you "think".
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