School Supplies at the School

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School Supplies at the School

Post by Max »

As many of us are preparing to move to new schools next year, what can one generally expect to find in terms of school supplies at the site? I've read a lot about what is not there, but what should I expect WILL be there? Do schools generally have lined paper, copy paper, butcher paper and borders for bulletin boards, dry erase markers, easers, pens, pencils, die cuts, etc. Also, what school supplies have people brought, but didn't need vs. supplies for your classroom you wish you had brought?
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Post by sid »

How long is a piece of string?
Really, you have to ask the individual school. Just send your list to your assigned buddy or contact. They should be happy to help.
My school has all that and more. Most schools probably have most of that, if not all of it. But there's plenty of variety in the world.
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Post by Teachermom »

This will vary A LOT by country and between schools within a country. I second Sid--write to a current teacher at your new school.

Also, note that some schools have much better libraries and teaching materials than others. I was shocked at how small our school library is. Lucky for me, I am used to finding teaching materials on the internet.
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Post by grumpy »

Very important that schools hook new teachers up with other teachers for this reason. I am suspicious of schools that do not do this (and many don't). You learn interesting things. Like bring manila folders or construction paper as you know it does not exist in this country, etc.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Post it notes and good pens.

It really depends on the school, but in general:

3rd Tier schools: They give you the bare minimum paper, pencils and chalk, and someone guards the copier and there is a complex system to get copies made.

2nd Tier schools: You get your typical stuff, like paper, pens, pencils, stapler, tape, paperclips, dry erase markers (at least a couple), rulers, scissors, etc. The stuff you would typically get. There is a copier and you will get a code but unless your printing books your not going to get hassled.

1st Tier: pretty much anything you need you will have or get. It doesnt make sense to make a list. If you need something special your school can probably get it for you.

It doesnt really matter though because anything you dnt have you can usually buy locally, and its not worth bringing with you.
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Post by Mathman »

Schools still use chalk outside of chemistry class?

Maybe we should introduce chalk-age as a tier for schools
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