Schools in South or Central America

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Re: Reply

Post by PsychBean »


You are not a psychologist outside the USA or your home country. Your "license" is no more valid outside the country as it is in another state. Unless you specifically apply for a license to practice in that country and qualify then your not a licensed practitioner.

Outside the USA the distinction between psychologist and counselor can lose any meaning, and being a counselor makes you more marketable. I dont know what your training program consisted of, mine included coursework in career counseling, which is highly applicable to college counseling and advising. Your possible familiarity with psychometrics such as the Strong Interest Inventory would additionally be highly relevant to a college advising counselor.[/quote]

You obviously don't know what the hell you are talking about! Are certified teachers not certified teachers working outside the states????? I am a School Psychologist where ever I go Mr. Know it all! Which is why they ask for proof of my credentials and proof that I can do what they require of a School Psychologist. I am not a college counselor however I provide therapy. I will not apply for a job in which I am NOT qualified nor have any desire to do. Do yourself a favor and not respond to my posts. I am truly not interested in your rhetoric! Thank you very much.
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Post by bilinguallearner »

Take a look at the International Schools in Bolivia- I taught at one a few years ago and had a blast. I think most of them are hiring and I found my job at the AASSA fair.

Good luck!

Check out my latest post on a fellow Gen X'er surviving the Mozambican Civil War and my unexpected visit with her @
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Post by PsychBean »

[quote="bilinguallearner"]Take a look at the International Schools in Bolivia- I taught at one a few years ago and had a blast. I think most of them are hiring and I found my job at the AASSA fair.

Good luck!

Check out my latest post on a fellow Gen X'er surviving the Mozambican Civil War and my unexpected visit with her @[/quote]

Thank you I will canvas all schools! Also have to make it to AASSA!
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Post by PsyGuy »


Educators are not mental health professionals, and the laws governing these two types of VERY different professions vary from country too country.
In response to your comment however, the answer is no they are not. A certified educator from the sates does not obtain certification or is considered a certified educator in a foreign country. Some countries offer reciprocity and some countries have recognition programs, but the reality is that either 1) The vast number of ISs are private independent schools and they arent legally required to hire teachers with a certificate. Various accreditation agencies require a percentage of faculty and staff to be qualified, but those arent legal requirements. They are policy and quality assurance standards requirements of the school. 2) the certification or qualification of a professional teacher in these countries involve no more then an academic degree, in these cases the immigration requirements of a bachelors degree also satisfy the educator certification requirements.

No your not a school psychologist anywhere in the world, simply because your licensed in one state. Your license isnt even universally recognized in the USA. You need to apply and meet each individual states requirements to become licensed and authorized to practice in each state.

BS!!! That claim is just ethnocentrism and american ego. Except in cases of medical professionals (which in most countries is what mental health professionals are classified as) working for international NGOs such as Doctors without Borders, there is no EU, UN, or other bilateral treaty, or agreement that globally recognizes your state licenser and authorizes you to practice anywhere in the world.
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Post by PsychBean »

You must have an awful lot of free time to stalk these boards so obsessively. I for one am NOT interested in your opinion since you seem to know everything about everything why don't you run your own board?

Please get a life and have a seat and stop answering my posts I am truly not interested in your gobbledeglue!
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Post by PsyGuy »


No, though i make sufficient time to engage in discourse, when i consider my position significantly strong too withstand debate.

I was not posting for you or responding too you. This is not a private conversation, but a public forum with a substantial readership. My comments were directed for the benefit of this forums broad audience.

What evidence would allow you to conclude that i dont operate my own discussion forum?

I very much indeed have a life, i am not posting from the netherworld or beyond the afterlife. However, as a 406 year old vampire, the international teaching profession affords me a certain degree of deniable plausibility and anonymity in maintaining my professional and personal pursuits and providing me with ample opportunity for sustenance, while accumulating an extensive degree of expertise.
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Post by Fortesias »

Psyguy and psychbean. I very much appreciate yours and other people's information and questions. i always learn a lot. I also don't take the info I read on here to an angry level. I don't think it is worth getting upset about a post. "Take what you like and leave the rest." Life is too short to be hostile and I don't see Psyguy as trying to be malicious in any way. He's just sharing what is his knowledge base and his point of view, which may have opposing opinions and that is okay too. That's it and I'm out.
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Post by PsychBean »

Fortesias, I hardly get upset about someone who obviously lives for these boards. Dave Psyguy is more of a mosquito simply annoying. No one can possible know everything about everything. I gather he dusted off the thesaurus for the last post. As a family member of mine always says "can you make sense out of nonsense? LOL. At the end of the day we all all highly skilled educators on these boards and want to know something or another about a desired location. No one has been everywhere and no one knows it all....

Hope you are enjoying your weekend :-)
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Post by Fortesias »

Well, I guess I am not out. You are the last person I saw this happen with, but I am certainly not directing it just at you. Honestly, I feel like many people on this forum have jumped on this "band wagon" to make fun of/belittle Psyguy when all he has tried to do is put his thoughts/perspective across on this forum. Whether anyone acknowledges it or not, he does have a lot of information to share and much of it I have found helpful. Who cares if he looks it up or wants to respond to all the questions. Of course I look for other perspectives too, and everyone contributing makes it all the more well rounded. I have to say that if I was attacked that way he has been it would have been difficult for me to continue. Yet, PsyGuy has consistently taken the high road, even responding in a respectful manner when people have been rude to him and shared his thoughts without being distracted by so many people putting him down. He gets a lot of praise too and think puts in an honest effort to assist people as they are moving through this world. Is he perfect, no...but really, none of us are. I recognize that I don't have the power to change anyone's opinion, but I do ask that the forum readers at least consider their words and how they might affect a person and those reading these demoralizing posts. And I do say this genuinely, I do hope you have a nice weekend also.
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Iffy job offer

Post by PsychBean »

On to the next!

Well as I have wished/wanted/hoped I did get somewhat of a job offer. However.... the conditions are not what I expected salary or benefits wise.

South America
Agency that contracts out to schools
Contract with agency June-Nov
School breaks for Dec & Jan (with NO pay)
This seems like a local hire package....
No benefits
No housing allowance
Free tuition for my child
Free lunch for me
No free lunch for the child
Pay meer pennies, could I survive? Yes... living quite frugally

Plus is I would be in a spanish speaking country. I could network until the contract ends and hopefully make some contacts and get a full-time gig with benefits. So basically it is nothing of what I wanted but some of what I needed, like being in this country and to learn spanish!

I am considering the option....I think... but still looking.
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Post by shadowjack »

If you can afford it, it might be worth doing for a year and then assessing your options. At least you will have CA/SA experience to put down and make other schools in the region take a look at you.
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Post by calciodirigore »

Did you say that you have a child? Apologies for not reviewing the thread...

If it's just you, and you are that interested in South America, then go for it.

If you are travelling with a child/children, take a pass. There are far too many other variables to consider...wait for AASSA, Search and/or ISS to come around for a shot at the better schools in the region for the 2013-2014 school year.

Good luck.
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Post by PsychBean »

Unfortunately I can not afford to live job free for a year. I was just thinking for the summer to take intensive spanish lessons and network.

Yes, I am traveling with a child and as much as I would like to take this job offer it isn't the best one... I will go to the AASSA fair this year. I am still sending out resumes so hopefully something else will pop up.
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Post by fke »

Don't know if this will help...but:

International School of Panama had a (and now 2) high school counselors. When it was one, the counselor did it all: college counseling, counseling, the semester schedule/registration and PSAT stuff. The job was also a de facto vice principal. But now they have a separate job for that. Foreign hires.

The elementary counselor was also a foreign hire. American. The middle school counselor was local.

At the other Latin American school I was at the counselors were all local (bilingual school not international).

My point is: some schools DO hire just counselors (not college counseling)...especially if it is big enough to divide those jobs. And that international schools hire foreign hires for this.

None of the foreign hire counselors--high school or elementary--had more than basic Spanish at the time. They brought in translators (other teachers at the school) to sit in if the parents didn't understand.
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Post by PsychBean »

Thank you Fke for your post. However the school I wanted to work for specifically stated... (Director stated to me) he needed a bilingual School Psychologist for the little ones. I totally get it and understand his need for a bilingual person. I did thank him for his consideration. So now if I would like to expand my options I will need to be bilingual. So that's where I am at the current. I am still sending out resumes and have a few other pots on the fire...
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