Returning to UK teaching

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Returning to UK teaching

Post by Dillo »

I am currently exploring the possibility of taking an international post in Asia and have spoken to my current SLT. Team about the opportunity. They would rather keep me and have made noises about possible promotion but there is obviously nothing definite promised. The deputy also warned me off moving overseas as it would then be difficult to get back into the UK system as 'people ask questions'. How true is this? I realise timings of contracts may mean a period of unemployment but if back in the UK is it that hard to get a position back in the state sector?
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Post by sangster2 »

You should post this question on the TES forum as you get more UK teachers there.

There is a thread on this topic there already.
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Post by Flock153 »

Depends on how long you've been out of the UK system. I did 13 years in the UK state system, then went international. I was in the ME for 3 years then returned to UK. I signed on with some supply agencies and got some work, and now have a full time teaching post in one of the schools I did supply in.

To be honest, people seem interested in my international career - it is a good topic of conversation.

But the hardest thing about returning are the kids. Compared to my classes in the ME, there is no comparison. I have 35 kids in my class for a start. And the behaviour does't compare either. And don't get me started on the poor salary....

I think I'll go back to the ME!
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Post by PsyGuy »

It depends where you go. If you move to a real international school, especially a tier 1 school, your going to have no issues returning back to the UK. If however you go to some bottom tier bilingual school you may have problems, but that would be true coming and going to anywhere.

Regardless it sounds more like your deputy doesnt want to lose you.
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