Moving on to another Bangkok / Thailand school

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Moving on to another Bangkok / Thailand school

Post by IAMBOG »

We are considering a school in Bangkok. By all accounts it seems like a decent school, but not well known. Pay is reasonable for our level of experience. However, at some point we'll want to move on to something better in terms of package and salary.

We figure, from where we are now, we have to either move up in terms of school or in terms of country. This Bangkok school moves us up in terms of country, but the school is essentially the same as the one we are on now (with very similar package).

We are looking at Bangkok as somewhere to stay for a few years, even if we only stay at this particular school for a couple of years. I understand it can be a problem to move to another school in Bangkok, because there is some kind of agreement to put transfering teachers on to a local package.

Is this an agreement between a few schools (our will almost certainly not be one of them), or is it on an individual basis? Can this be avoised by applying through a fair?

We'll be happy at this school in the short term, but slightly concerned that we'll have trouble moving on to another school in Bangkok with an international package. Should we be concerned? Will most schools want to put us on a local contract.

We're both westerners (no family ties to Thailand) and we both teach.
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Post by durianfan »

Depends on the school but yes, generally if you are a local hire then you are on a local package. Even tier 1 schools like Patana do this unfortunately.

What's the name of the school you're considering?
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Post by inman »

If you transfer from one school in Thailand to another then many will put you as local hires and take a lot of the benefits of an international hire away. For me, if I was looking at being in Bangkok long term then I'd hold out for something I really wanted rather than accept something and expect to move up later.

Moving up in Thailand is very hard. The better schools there hire almost entirely from overseas. The second tier schools often have a mix of local and overseas hires, and the lower schools will be mostly local hires. I think you can move from a low end school to a high end school easily when crossing borders, but it's much harder if you're staying in the same country, especially in a country like Thailand that has so many low end schools.
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Post by ChoirGuy »

Tough it's true that many schools will try to get you for local wages, I know of at least one school that will give you the whole package. It might also depend on your role; the higher up you are on the food chain, the better chance of getting the whole package. Any chance you'll tell the school you're interested in?
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Post by IAMBOG »

I can't mention the school, as it is very small. It would give the game away. Hmm, this is making us pause for thought though, particularly as our current school is going out of its way to have us stay.

So, what would be considered good target schools in Bangkok for teachers with North American certification? We only have two years experience, so we're not ISB or NIST material? Where would a North American certified teacher apply too?

I've looked at a lot of the British schools and most want at least two years National Curriculum experience. How do you break in, if you don't have that?
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Post by shadowjack »

IAMBOG, if you want to get to Bangkok, get to Bangkok. After that, suss it out. I would recommend your next move after that would be out of Thailand to a school which would offer you the next step in training - ie, IB training, or something similar. Then, you can go BACK to Thailand in a much better position with your international contract assured.

Just my thoughts, of course!
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Post by Yantantether »

I think inman has absolutely nailed the situation. DON'T just take anything as you run the risk of not being able to get out and up into a good school. It is very competitive in Thailand and many of the better schools tend to look down on the less reputable ones.

Not all schools have the 'local hire scam' but many do. Personally I wouldn't entertain it and I don't think others should, but each to their own.

To your question about NA schools, have a look on the ISAT site. This lists all schools in Thailand. I have to say though that off the top of my head I can't think of too many good ones! Most are third tier/lower 2nd tier at best.

The better British schools would be very difficult for you without ENC experience, not impossible but difficult and again you are looking at the less than desirable that are likely to accept you- no offence intended.

I think Shadowjack is right with his suggestion of later moving out of BKK and then back again. My main concern is what you are walking into now! Can you hint at the schoolname? Does it connect with a Californian Uni? Is Fargo relevant?
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Post by durianfan »

I think the best chance that one has to get into one of the better international schools in Thailand is at the fair. A few years ago a colleague of mine interviewed with Patana at the BKK fair. We were both working at a third-tier international school in Bangkok at the time. They wanted to hire her, but told her that she'd be considered a local hire. However, they told her that they'd be at the Hong Kong Fair the following week, and if she attended and interviewed with them there, then they could offer her a contract with an overseas package. She didn't go for it, but this is one possibility if you are currently working in Bangkok and want to move up.
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Post by PsyGuy »

A lot of the schools in BKK if your moving "up" or just over (as opposed to down) will consider you a local hire and a local package. Their are exception, for instance if your hired at an IS fair (Search or ISS) you "USUALLY" get an OSH package.

heres the thing though, you can always say no during the course of negotiation. If the school wants you, they can make it happen.
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