Walk away from London fair?

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Walk away from London fair?

Post by Redvaldo »

Considering not attending. Planning to teach abroad for2-3years. Did Abu dhabi interview and got it with adec..v good salary per month..about 4000dollars incl. accom utilities. I know adec can be tough etc.
I'd planned going to London search fair but after an awful lot of research,ESP over last 7 days,I don't think I'm going to get a better salary than with adec. The salary is important to me because it's short term..2-3years. I've in international experience so I don't think I'll be offered a great school and definitely not as good a salary as with adec.
Job fair means about 500pounds all in and days off school..don't know if it's worth it?what do people think?any help appreciated.
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Post by dover2013 »

You've just been offered a job with 4k US tax free plus all the benefits and you are worrying about losing £500 and a few (already booked?) days off school to network with other teachers, interview with schools who you might be interested in after your Abu Dhabi stint, and you just might be offered a comparable deal in a more interesting place?

The money can't be that important or you wouldn't be asking the question.
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Post by antitravolta »

I would be careful on dismissing the difficulty of teaching there. I've read some pretty terrifying things about classroom environment in those schools. As somebody who's spending this year in a totally irrational situation at work in the states, I've learned how it can take over your life. I won't pretend to know your situation, but for me personally I'd rather take less money and be confident of the classroom situation I'm going in to. To be fair, some people seem to have decent situations in Abu Dhabi and wouldn't change it for the world, but you have no way of knowing where you will end up. I agree with dover. 500 pounds is a relatively small amount considering it's at least 2 years of your life.
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Post by PsyGuy »

You should walk away from the London fair. Your just too risk adverse. Youd rather be safe and have job security and be "okay" with minimal effort then actually work for something you want.

You are comparing the London fair, which is primarily attended by EU schools to a lower tiered school in the ME, that any non-brain dead IT could get in June as a fall back position. The goals of those two pursuits is so vastly different, that what im hearing is your personality is one of lazy competition. You want a certain outcome but your not willing to do any work or take any risks for it. Instead of shooting for the stars and risking that youll miss youd rather aim for the ground because youll hit the target everytime.
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Post by shadowjack »


do the fair. You will learn so much.

As for ADEC, you will be teaching Emirati students. Nothing international about it. You will go in and be a bit amazed at what really does and doesn't happen in those schools. More burden will be put on you as an IT hire than on the local teachers in the students' other classes.

If you want a true international experience, get thee to London!

BTW, 4000 bucks a month isn't that amazing on the circuit, and if they are providing housing, you might not like where they put you (remember, they will be working with schools all over Abu Dhabi, not necessarily just in the capital itself...)
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Post by dover2013 »

as shadowjack says, 4k isn't that amazing. You could get that in China at many half decent schools. You can get much more in many good schools in Europe (and paying high taxes is those countries would be preferable to working for ADEC if you ask me). Across the Middle East all the good American, British or "International" schools pay at the very least close to 4k and often considerably more, all tax free plus the usual benefits. But money isn't everything - there are many decent schools around the world where you take home 2-3k. The average westerner, living in his or her home country and cleaning their own home, doing their own washing, ironing their own shirts would even then be delighted to have 2-3k DISPOSABLE income.
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Post by gus »

I have friends that teach with ADEC. Some love their job and wouldn't go to a regular IS other can't run fast or far enough! It is really a crap shoot with ADEC.
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Post by Redvaldo »

Thanks for the replies everyone! Much appreciated. Good effort psyguy! Effort!
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Post by Danda »


Can you give a few examples of half-decent schools in China that pay $4k a month? I can't think of too many.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Your not looking for "information". Your asking a virtual room of faceless strangers what to do regarding a major career decision. Your the one who need to make the effort.

The only real freedom anyone has is the freedom to make their own decisions.
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Post by wrldtrvlr123 »


Can you give a few examples of half-decent schools in China that pay $4k a month? I can't think of too many.[/quote]
Well, if you have a Masters and experience then: Yew Chung, Alcanta, Concordia, IS Tianjin, Shekou IS, Zhuhai IS could fit that bill (although I wouldn't swear they are half-decent :S).

A bunch of other are just under or near that.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Whats the standard for "decent"? Decent isnt all that great from my POV, and half way decent might as well be NOT decent at all.
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Post by Danda »

@wrldtrvlr123: Thanks.
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