UNI FAIR a week before Cambridge

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UNI FAIR a week before Cambridge

Post by newcounsel »


I will be attending my first international job fair this Feb. I have everything ready to attend the Cambridge fair on the 7th. However I am a little nervous about the UNI fair being a week before Cambridge. I noticed that a vast majority of the schools I am looking at will be in attendance at UNI as well.

My question is will most of the jobs evaporate before Cambridge? Will the directors be in attendance at UNI and not a Cambridge? I have my heart set on a counselor position and do not want to miss this opporunity.

From previous post about Cambridge 2012 director were not as present as they were for UNI.

Any comments are greatly appreciated from seasoned Job Fair teachers
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Post by DCgirl »

Jobs will appear and disappear before the fair. Don't get too intent on one school or position or your heart will be broken.

From what I've learned, the schools have a good idea of who they're looking for. If you've expressed interest and let them know which fair you will be attending, they have taken note if they're interested in return.

Schools will being hiring at UNI but there will be plenty of good positions left by the time Cambridge comes around.
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Post by newcounsel »

Thank you Dcgirl most of the schools that I expressed interest in... have not really said much. I guess it is still a little early in the year.

I am just getting nervous when I hear others have been offered a job already. I do not want to miss my opporunity by not looking at all my options.

Thanks again DCgirl you have been really helpful
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Post by PsyGuy »

It depends on the school, some heads go to UNI some to Cambridge, with another member of the Senior admin team to the other fair. Your more likely to get hired at the actual fair if you interview with the actual HOS, as they dont really need to check with anyone before they offer a contract.

It might be early in recruiting season, but its still IN recruiting season. People are interviewing, and signing contracts right now. Its not the major rush, but its still going on.

Many of the top premier positions will be filled the night before the fair begins. Recruiters arrive the day before, and interview their top choice or two (they have an excuse this year as they can say it was an interview for an admin position, but offered a teaching position).

Counseling positions are in pretty high demand, especially those with college advising experience. If a recruiter gets a strong candidate at UNI, they are very likely to offer a contract on the spot. UNI though focuses on new/recent graduates. Typically at lower tier schools or those in undesirable regions or with very low salaries. You dont see a lot of counselors who dont already have several years of experience and an establish teaching background. So most of those counselors that the ISs want wouldnt be attracted to the UNI fair as their first for finding position.
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