Cell Phones

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Cell Phones

Post by WiscoKid »

There are a lot of things one needs to get in order before making the move overseas. Obviously I need to secure a job, but in thinking about the move, what are people doing about cell phones? Do you have one in your home country? Do you get a new one in your new country? It is easy to keep in contact via Skype and Vonage, but I am still going to want to have a cell phone. Thoughts?
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Re: Cell Phones

Post by hallier »

[quote="WiscoKid"]There are a lot of things one needs to get in order before making the move overseas. Obviously I need to secure a job, but in thinking about the move, what are people doing about cell phones? Do you have one in your home country? Do you get a new one in your new country? It is easy to keep in contact via Skype and Vonage, but I am still going to want to have a cell phone. Thoughts?[/quote]

Indispensible 4 me.

I have always taught in a place where i do not know the language. It is very useful for situations where u need translation help.

In any event, they r so cheap now that this is how folks where i teach stay in touch.

However, for communicating with home, most use Skype etc as it is so much cheaper.
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iphone 4 unblocked

Post by sfbrayuk »

I just purchased and iPhone 4 that is unblocked. Once I get to my new destination, I was told to purchase a sims card for it and I am good to go. Does anyone have experience doing that? Do I buy a sims card for in the USA when I am there and trade out the cards depending on where I am? How does that work exactly?
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Post by WiscoKid »

I actually just called my phone company and this is what I was told...I can purchase a phone (iPhone or phone that can be unlocked) and replace the sim card when get to a destination. So that I am not paying double (US and new destination) I was told I can suspend service for the months that I am gone and reactivate when I need to use it in the US. I am hoping this works, but would love to hear from anyone that has done this. I just want to be sure I am able to use it in a new location, plus it is much cheaper to renew a contract than buy a phone outright.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Thats a qualified yes.

You can purchase a SIM card for the country your going to in advance, but the cost is pretty high (though researching the plans will help when you get there).

When you arrive you just go to your preferred mobile provider, either a store or kiosk and buy a new SIM card for your phone and replace it with the current one. The sim cards and sold in a paper board packet that look similar to the packaging prepaid visa cards come in. Inside are some instructions and the SIM card. Most shopping centers have mobile phone kiosks and outlets. You can then buy refill cards at convenience stores (7-11) and shopping centers as well. You buy the card, scratch off the silver part on the back to reveal a code then call the refill number and enter the code.

iPhones are a different story, the iPhone 4 uses a "micro" SIM and the iPhone 5 uses a "nano" SIM card depending on where your going these may not be available. If they are available they might require going to a certain store or retail outlet.

Is your iPhone truly unlocked or has it been jailbroken? There is a difference.

Your phone has to be unlocked, mobile carriers will suspend service for military, but Im aware of anyone being able to do it for longer then 30 days who was just going overseas. Does your mobile carrier in the States realize your leaving for at least a year, maybe 2?
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Post by mysharona »

In China they will cut a SIM card down to size for you. They did this for my 4S. I also had them cut an ATT pay as you go card down that I brought from the States and it worked like a charm.
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