Yangon Academy-PSY Guy

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Post by PsyGuy »

ASL (London)
History Guy
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Post by History Guy »

Wow had to use your powers to find that, amazing how a school in the UK would have a majority of English speakers. Have you ever really worked in an international school by the way? Just a question, and are we going to be at this all day? I set you a trap, you fell head first into it Dave, just admit it and be gone. I have been reading your drivel for three years now. Living in a dictatorship is safe actually, for expats. No street crime at all. Lets run down a list of 1st tier, as you like to call them, schools where most of the students are technically ELL
SAS (Shanghai)
AA Moscow

The list is endless. Every international school has mostly ELL learners, even though most may have near native fluency, they are still ELL learners.
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Post by PsyGuy »

You asked for one international school, where the students aren't ELL. Is your argument that ASL isnt an international school?

If I didn't believe my reply was accurate and valid I wouldn't have posted it. I see nothing in it or your response that would merit modification or withdrawal.

Living in a dictatorship is not safe,regimes change. Security and stability are concerns for any IT.

You've been reading for 3 years but just now joined on November 17th? An alternative could be that your just another alias for the League of PsyGuy Nemeses. I wonder who else has been commenting on this thread in your favor.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

According to its website, ASL has over 50 different nationalities in its student body.

Sigh Guy - give the percentage of mother tongue English speakers in the school and the source of your evidence.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Is your position that English language fluency is limited to certain nationalities? What does ethnicity have anything to do with English language proficiency? There

Please read the question by historyguy "pleas show me a school in the international world where the MAJORITY of students are native speakers of English"

Majority is a significant qualifier of that inquiry.


I wouldn't agree with that school list. Several of those schools, the elite ones have a majority of native English speakers, though I noticed how your list of schools is "under representative" of Western European schools.
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Post by sevarem »

History Guy, are there are teaching couples with children working at your school? Especially young children? Is it something you'd recommend to families with young children or no?
History Guy
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Post by History Guy »

Dave you are so what is the word I am looking for, dense. Hell many schools in the US are filled with ell learners. Give it up I trapped you and you took the bait. Every international school is filled with ell learners. That is the whole point of the word "international".
There are no teachers with kids at my school, our average teacher age is slightly out of that demographic but many in a Yangon do have kids and from the parents I know they seem happy with it. We have no kids but domestic help is cheap and of good quality. We are very happy with our maid for example and the people I know who have kids here pay pennies for nannies. Most people we know are very happy with there child care. You see Dave this is how it works. One talks about things they actually have experience with rather than trolling TIE and school websites and pretending we know everything first hand. In regards to reading for three years and not posting well I just never felt the need too. I just wanted to see if you were as smart as you want everyone to think you are. Rest assured you are not. L
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Post by pikefish »

[quote="History Guy"]Every international school is filled with ell learners. That is the whole point of the word "international".[/quote]

Ummmmm.....no. Sorry. Not even close. E(nglish) L(anguage) L(earners) are not the point of the word "international."

Rest assured I am no fan Psyguy, but this thread is pretty much about as loopy as he is.
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Post by lifeisnotsobad »

As loopy as this thread is...I can't resist him.

Sigh Guy...I asked a question, please answer. Give the percentage of mother tongue English speakers in ASL and the source of your evidence.
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Post by Overhere »

Based on my experience of living in three countries with either dictators or extremely repressive regimes I would have to say they are extremely safe. Probably safer than my hometown in the USA, which is considered extremely safe.
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Re: Bullying

Post by antitravolta »

[quote="spruxy"]This post makes me wonder how we can ever hope to eradicate bullying from schools if the teachers are also doing it.[/quote]

Totally agree...this thread is a new low for these forums.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Dictatorships are not safe, neither are economically disadvantaged regions. We can debate this all day, it amounts to a difference of opinion. The goal though is to bring as many of those opinions differing and congruent together. Thats what this forum is for, sharing, teachers helping teachers.

Whats their to admit you asked a fake question and you got a real and accurate answer. If I didn't believe my reply was accurate and valid I wouldn't have posted it. I see nothing in it or your responses that would merit modification or withdrawal.
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Re: Reply

Post by homeandaway »

Whats their to admit you asked a fake question and you got a real and accurate answer. If I didn't believe my reply was accurate and valid I wouldn't have posted it. I see nothing in it or your responses that would merit modification or withdrawal.[/quote]

Yeah, must side with PsyGuy on this one. He didn't work there, but then he didn't pretend he had. If, as the guy who works there who made the fake post asking for info about the school says that PsyGuy just got the info off the website, then I see nothing wrong with that, unless of course the website info is wrong. The only thing I don't agree with is the fact that PsyGuy stated that "you won't leave there competitive than when you first went in." given that you have never worked there PsyGuy, you really are not in a position to give this kind of advice. I do side with a lot of people on this site in saying that there really can be no realistic way that you can know so many schools, in so much detail, especially since you have not worked at a lot of them.

On another note, if the advice given is genuinely there to help people, then I see no need to damn PsyGuy quite so viciously, and with so much venom. I agree with the post of discussing eliminating bullying and how can we hope to stamp it out amongst students when teachers are engaging in it.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I either have 1st hand direct information of the schools i reply about or have reliable, trusted 2nd hand information. There is a difference between working "at" a school and working "for" a school, and the former is not that difficult.

In regards to my statement ""you won't leave there more competitive than when you first went in.", Im qualified to make that claim. The school is a third tier, bilingual school (barely better then an ELL/Language School), and despite offering an "American" curriculum, they are not accredited by any USA regional accrediting agency, not are they an IB Authorized school, they are not accredited by any other national authority. Your essentially teaching at an unaccredited school. No, you are not going to be anymore competitive when you leave there.
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Post by lightstays »

History Guy, this was one of the more brillant posts on ISR in a long time. Game, set and match!
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