Freaking out about Bangkok

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Post by sevarem »

DCgirl, I hear you. The most we got so far is one head of school saying he was forwarding our resumes to the high school principal. And since then, nothing. I try to remind myself that it's early yet.

PsyGuy, you crack me the hell up. You really, honestly do. I know you're not working for DoDDS, but the fact that you're jumping in and saying so, after your arguments with WeDoDude... well, now I know you're using this forum for entertainment. That's cool though. Not all of your advice is off the mark.
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Post by seinfeld »

[quote="DCgirl"]It's been silent for me. I already see about 4 positions posted that I'd be seriously interested in (including my #1 school). Would love to hear from someone but I was thinking (hoping) that it may still be a little early for that.

Has anyone else using Search been contacted by schools for next year?[/quote]

You should contact the school! Don't wait for them to contact you!

Will they ever turn ON the html code on this board to make the quotes turn up properly!!??
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Post by DCgirl »

Last time around I sent out a bunch of letters only to receive notices of receipt. I was then contacted by a school that hadn't been on my radar and we Skyped. Then, I went to Cambridge fair, had many schools showing interest in addition to that one, but accepted a contract with them after an in-person interview.

So, I guess I haven't been very proactive this time. Just lurking on the Search database daily to see what appears. I'm going to take that advice and start reaching out to the schools that have advertised my wanted position.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I've already had 4 schools contact me for next year (and one still for this year), and one interview. You have to absolutely be proactive, as soon as a vacancy is posted, even if its just the school building an applicant pool.

No, they are never going to turn on HTML, its a security issue.
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Post by viper1b »

Thanks alot for the blunt, honest appraisal.
Just like back home in the States, PE isn't necessarily an "in demand" position.
Just very curious about how our "credentials" match up for Bangkok. Thank you again.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Its not that PE isnt in demand, dont get me wrong the IS PE market is a LOT better then the PE market in the states. Its just harder to be the right fit. European/UK based schools want PE teachers who understand World league foot ball (not American based soccer). in the states you see so many more coaches that are basketball/football focused. Woman have it a bit easier because volleyball (outside football) tends to be a primary sport for girls. You also have a lot of niche PE positions, such as primary only PE, and swimming. Lastly, in a number of regions "Club" athletics/sports is much more popular then school run ones. You have to remember that most ISs are private schools, and while there are a few exceptions in many areas its you and the "local schools". Places like Bangkok, Beijing, etc have it easier as then the ISs and local schools will play each other, but its still nothing like a Division 5A school program.
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Post by viper1b »

My sports background was university baseball and my previous head coaching experience is varsity baseball/softball, 7th grade Basketball and Volleyball. Assistant coaching includes Jr High/Varsity Basketball and some volleyball. It's tough to find a baseball program at an IS. Bangkok, Shanghai, Beijing, Japan seem to be the primary places for baseball at an IS. I have heard that A.S. Doha and A. S. Dubai have baseball teams, but can't find much on their website. DODEA schools are out, wife is Canadian.
I have been teaching primarily PYP for the past 2 years with some MYP/High School PE thrown in as well.
Thanks again psyguy for the info. Keep it coming. :D the more info we can pick up the better.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Sorry baseball/softball is going to be hard. Really, to be successful and have the most opportunities you need football (euro) coaching experience. Just about every IS has that, and if you dont, it doesnt leave many options.
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