DODDS Hiring Question

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Post by jsmith21 »

So I'm pretty much out of luck until I get the hours?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Yeah, pretty much. Assuming you have the professional education hours, you need the SPED hours, and the specific courses listed. Since your certified you only need half the hours so instead of 30 you only need 15 hours, but anything other then mild/moderate requires coursework specific to that category. Additionally, the courses need to be in SPED, not just psychology, or education. This is why SPED is a critical needs area for DODEA, so few SPED teachers have the specific coursework. DODEA won't consider a generalist SPED certificate for anything except mild/moderate either.

You should apply though anyway, the application takes 30 minutes and on e its done, updating it each year takes a minute. Once you've applied and your documents uploaded, a credentialing specialist at HQ will review your documents and note under your qualifications what and how much more coursework you need.
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Dodea again

Post by FromPhilly »

Dear WeDoDude,

I started my application with Dodea four years ago and every year there is some logistical problem that prevents my app from going forward. (or maybe its a conspiracy :). Earned my cert is 2005; taught 2 years in Philly public, then off to see the world. So, according to the PA Dept of Ed, the certification " clock" only uses teaching years in the state towards the years on the certificate. Since I taught for 2 years before going abroad, that would mean I only used 2 years of a 6 year teaching certificate. Therefore the certificate is still valid.

However, explaining all this to the Dodea powers-that- be utilizes superhuman powers of patience that I just don't have; so I wrote PA State Dept of Ed and asked them to confirm the validity.

So certification - sorted; hopefully. Next: job-hopping. Been there; done that. Masters and multiple certs; bilingual, etc, in my early 40s, BUT I have hopped quite a bit. I'm looking for stability for the next 15 years or so. Open to any placement as long as I can stay there for a while.

Any thoughts on my chances (SY 2013)?

Thank you in advance.

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Post by PsyGuy »

What are you actually qualified in according to DODEA?
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Post by jeffaz02t »

Okay, like many before me, I want to give my situation in hopes that one of you with experience can enlighten me.

First, I am claiming the 5 point veteran preference, since I served in the US Army for 4 years. Also, I served in Germany for 2 years, in Wiesbaden, during my enlistment.

I graduated with a BAE in secondary education- History, and a BS in political science. I just got my MEd in Special Education. I have a cross categorical special education certification, but I am going to also get a certification in Emotionally Impaired and I am enrolling to take the 12 credits in Emotionally Impaired that DoDDS says I would need.

In the next year, I will be qualified to teach (according to DoDDS website requirements): mild or moderate learning disability, emotionally impaired, history, economics, civics/government. I just started teaching emotionally impaired junior high this year, so I am gaining experience, and will likely have my professional certificate from my state (Arizona) by the time I am ready to apply

My wife, also a veteran, has her BSN (bach. of science in nursing). She could either do school nursing, or possibly work at a clinic of some sort. She also served in Germany for 2 years, so we both know what it is like to live overseas.

I have been wanting to get back to Europe since I left in 2007. Given my special education credentials, my multiple certs in social studies (I know, social studies certs are likely a dime a dozen), veterans preference, and overseas living experience, do I have a chance of obtaining a position at a DoDDS school in Europe? I know I would have an easier time if I opened up to the entire world, but I know my wife and daughter would not want to move overseas unless we were moving back to Europe, and to be honest, I would rather wait 5-10 years for a 'perfect' position, or simply just stay in the USA, than be offered a job in a place that I would likely turn down.

Thanks for you help, and sorry this is so long winded.

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How important...

Post by Teach21 »

Is there any consensus on how important National Board Certification is when being considered for an overseas position?

I'm certified SpEd K-6 (mild/moderate), K-6 classroom, Reading Specialist, and working on teacher leadership cert (instructional coach) and admin cert (school principal). Also have National Boards in Literacy (Early/Middle childhood). Teaching 8 years in public/Title I schools.

I know 2013-14 SY is a long way off, but I like to get a feeling for the odds.

Thanks for any info!
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Post by PsyGuy »

At ISs NB doesnt mean much. In DODEA its the same as a state certification, you only need 50% fewer hours, but since you need a state certification to qualify for NB it doesnt mean much. About the only benefit you may get is if it impresses a principal.
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Courses needed for certs

Post by jeffaz02t »

I am looking at taking a program that is online, at UCLA extension campus, which can either lead to a certificate in Emotional Impairment, or I can just take the 12 credits that DoDDS requires for their cert. It says that their program is accredited by the same body as UCLA, administered "in accordance with Extension policy and the regulations of the Academic Senate of the University of California."

Will DoDDS accept this? I have a cross categorical certification, and while I would like to teach MIMD, I also want to open up the possibility of teaching emotionally impaired students. This is my favorite population to work with, so I would love to do that for DoDDS. Also, would student teaching in a classroom that is specifically for emotionally impaired students count towards my 12 credit hours? I could provide documentation that the class was indeed an emotionally impaired class, from the teacher I student taught under.

Also, does the veteran 5 point preference, or whatever they call it, really help me that much?

Sorry for the questions. I am applying, I am just wanting to have a better idea of what I am walking into, as far as chances, and what they accept. I do not want to waste time and money on a program that DoDDS does not accept... Also, if my student teaching in an emotionally impaired class would count, that would make things easier as well.


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Post by PsyGuy »

DODEA will accept hours for a regionally accredited college or university. Is your program accredited by WASC (Western Association of Colleges and Schools)? If yes then they will be accepted. Understand that for SPED qualifications the courses can be VERy specific and credentialing can be very picky.

DODEA will not give y ou hours for teaching in a classroom unless its on your transcript, DODEA makes no exceptions, its either on the transcript and awarded credit by the institution or it doesnt count.

Your veteran preference may impress a principal, but it doesnt really help you. In theory if both candidates are equal the one with preference gets the job, but seldom are two teachers equal, and the principal is the one that makes the recommendation to HR/HQ. They are going to recommend who they think is going to be the best fit and greatest contributor to the school, regardless of any preference.
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Re: Advice

Post by jeffaz02t »

On the web site it just mentions 12 hours in emotionally impaired or behavior disorders. As long as the classes are specifically for emotional impairment, they should suffice, right? It leads to a certificate in educating students with Emotional Impairment.

Also, the student teaching was done through my university, and is on my transcript for 8 credit hours. Given that, do you think that could count towards the 12 emotional impaired credits they require, or would they just go towards the general SPED requirements?

Thanks again!
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Post by PsyGuy »

DODEA relies heavily on the course prefix, number and class title. If your denied you can make a case using your schools catalog to support why they should be counted.

They do not count student teaching towards your specific subject requirements. They will not even count student teaching hours towards your professional education requirements. A field experience (student teaching, internship, etc) is a separate and independent requirement attached to the "professional education" requirement. I doubt your student teaching has a SPED or ED course prefix, and even if it did it would still say in the course title "Student Teaching". DODEA wants coursework, meaning classes with lectures, papers, and exams in your specific qualification subject.
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Post by Gina07 »


I understand getting a DODDS job for 2013/2014 is next to impossible but I have applied anyway. I have a solid teaching position now so I am prepared to wait it out for years to come if need be.

My application is complete in EAS and I am certified in Humanities and Social Studies. In May I will complete my Masters (SPED) with the required coursework/license to certify through DODDS in Special Education K-12. I have taught SPED for 2 out of my 5 years teaching.

In May will I still be able to update my application in EAS for the 2013/2014 school year with my SPED credentials? As I understand it I will have to confirm my application in March?

My husband is prior military so my resume reflects our moves and thus my work experience at a number of different CONUS public schools. Will the fact that I have made so many moves hurt my resume? I have heard having too many job moves looks bad. My husband is now out of the military and I have been at my current school for 3 years.

My husband has also applied for non-teaching DOD jobs overseas so I possibly could find myself applying as a local hire if he were to get a job that would PCS us over. Would I rate LQA as a local hire or just my salary?

Thanks for any help!
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Post by PsyGuy »

As long as you confirm your application in March/April you can update it anytime after and still be active for that years hiring cycle.

If your recent work history still showed a lot of moving around it might be an issue, but with a stable recent 3 year work history your fine.
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Post by WeDoDude »

Even high needs areas will be hard to get hired on next year. You have to take into account the excesses teachers in Europe, all 200 of them. A lot of them will have multiple certs and will probably take a position that they are qualified for to stay in Europe, or even move to the Pacific if it means they keep their jobs.

There will be a RIF next year if the current math holds up. There are too many excessed teachers and not enough positions.

Transfers this year will be a long process as DoDEA has an obligation first to those of us currently employed. Even after the initial transfer round in March/April there will be teachers that resign and retire and those positions will go to current DoDEA employees first to avoid a RIF as much as possible.

It's a very uncertain time for DoDEA. Not sure I'd be looking to get in now. There is a lot of talk about how much long the DoD will keep current deployment levels, or can keep them for that matter. Yes, DoDEA will exist, but it's size may drastically shrink as more and more bases close up.

Also, there is a lot of talk now of making Korea an unaccompanied 2 year deployment for active duty. Even in Japan we're expecting a reduction as the DoD looks to build up on Guam and in Australia.
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Post by PsyGuy »

I disagree with wedodude.

There arent a lot of classroom teachers walking around with a SPED qualification in their pocket. If they were, they would be in a support or SPED position. The requirements for SPED qualifications are pretty high, it would take quit a bit of work to add a SPED qualification, many teachers that I work with arent really interested in doing any of that.
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