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AP teacher training

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 3:53 pm
by Lagniappe
Is it an advantage in the international school world to have AP training on one's resume? Or is it really just IB training and experience that matters? Just wondering.

In some cases...

Posted: Thu Feb 25, 2010 4:17 pm
by marlow
I was 26 when I landed my first international job, and AP experience did help on my resume. Although I had no IB experience, the AP was related (at least in the eyes of the person hiring me) because I had experience teaching an advanced class that culminated in an exam.

Having said that, the school I went to work for, and the one after, did not offer AP but only IB. I was trained for IB and taught it for years. Now I work at a school with both IB and AP, and I am teaching AP once again. Some of my colleagues who recently attended fairs said that having both on one's resume was a plus, as more schools are trying to offer both programs (for better or for worse.)

Ultimately, I think having AP on one's resume (or AP training) shows initiative, and that can't be a bad thing when competing for top schools.

Posted: Fri Mar 05, 2010 4:51 pm
by Lagniappe
Thanks very much for the info - I agree that it can't hurt so I've decided to go ahead with the training.