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Any idea?

Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 2:22 am
by Behis1976
I have been offered a job in Doha to start asap. I have an offer letter with details about the package to last until the end of Dêcmber as I didn't want to sign a longer one currently. I asked the school if they could send me a contract before and they said that the contract will be processed in Qatar and it will cover the same as the offer letter. The offer letter is subject to references and paperwork etc. I am supposed to get 6 documents attested including uni certificates, transcript and letter from my undergrad and pgce. I dont have a transcript or letter from my pgce and am unable to get it due to them being closed, they're not processing these during lockdown. So I cant start the attesting process without all 6. I've informed my school but they aren't making me feel confident with this issue not being ready and have said to be ready to fly next week. Is it normal for a contract to be processed in country and not be seen before? Or is it dodgy? What could happen if the documents can't get attested for months in terms of my visa and role in Qatar?


Posted: Fri Oct 25, 2024 4:25 am
by PsyGuy
What is the OSH package?
This is late October, the term is only for 9 weeks, theres a lot of initial coin that cant or wont be recouped. That may be less important to them than having a warm body in the classroom, but unless your presence is going to be during an accreditation/authorization/verification/inspection visit there are far less complicated and costly options. At this time of year its much more likely an actual IS on a Fall to Spring calendar would appoint a supply/relief/(long term) substitute and hire for start in the new year (January).
If the OSH package seems too generous for such a short appointment its more rather than less likely that the benefits arent flat out what youre being offered. If the OSH package looks more like an LH package maybe with a flight (relocation allowance) thats likely more legitimate.

Did you get this offer through or in connection with an international supply/relief/substitute/temporary agency/organization?
That makes it more likely this is more legitimate but in that case your contact with the agency/organization would be better able to reply (though sometimes, and not rarely, such agencies are more motivated by their fee than or the ISs interests rather than the ITs).

What lock down? If youre referring to COVID I find it difficult to accept that there is any state so aggrieved by infection that something cant be done. Assuming for the moment that there is some form of lock down you need to communicate with your PGCE program provider and your IS about what can be done. A letter or email from an advisor or someone in admin, maybe your DS placement, or even your onsite mentor, someone to confirm you successfully completed the program.

In connection to the above, what about your QTS or registration record (GTC, etc.)? You could maybe even get a print out or screen shot of your edu dossier with the TCL/TRA notarized/attested/verified if they really needed you to.

What are the other two documents? Transcript, Certificates, Letter from PGCE provider and Letter from Undergrad Uni, that's four. What are the other two Im missing?
Each document can be attested/validated/notarized/authenticated individually you dont have to present them as one packet. You could do all but the PCE and then have the IS do some research on what they could do for the PGCE given the circumstances.

There are a lot of circumstances where a contract isnt available for execution immediately and there are instances where contracts either must be or its in the interest of the IS to execute them within their countries borders. However, and this is big, you should ABSOLUTELY be able to get a copy of a draft contract. Not providing you one especially in this situation is incredibly suspect. Especially in the ME, but you must consider that this could go upside down very quickly. There may be disadvantageous terms and conditions that are very much to your disadvantage. For example the early parts of the contract may stipulate various benefits such as a flight allowance, only to find burried much later in the contract that the full flight allowance is contingent on a 2 year (24 month) contract and is prorated based on your length of service meaning you either are left holding the bag on the ticket or finding out you essentially worked for free if the IS withholds salary to cover the flight that your two month contract doesnt cover.
Of course even if they send you a draft contract, in Qatar, its still not a contract. You can look as aghast as you like right into the face of the HOS, but the only real agreement is that they own you for some amount of coin, nothing else really matters. What are you going to do? You have a worthless draft that means nothing, either sign the contract they offer you on site or theres the door. Even if you have a valid, legally enforceable contract, it still doesnt mean very much. You can finish out the two months and they can not pay you that final (second month) and refuse to fly you back. They might say it was a poor decision and it isnt worth the coin to onboard you for only two months, so they arent going to pay you and they arent going to fly you back, and if you dont agree to an NDA they arent going to give you a reference either. What are you going to do about it? Sit in Qatar for 3, 6, 12 months and file a legal claim/suite? Can you afford legal representation and the living expenses, to what recover a few thousand coin in damages. Knowing that if you ever get a hearing they are just going to claim your performance was poor, or you werent a team player, or you provided no value add, and youre not being offered a further contract for good cause. They could even classify the entire period as a 'probationary' period making all of the benefits contingent at their discretion.

Why are they recruiting for this position now at this time?
The above is a real possibility but quality ISs have their act together and they have a reputation not only to uphold but that they have earned. If your instinct was to only take a two month contract, combined with such a late appointment, maybe its available because the person who had it before you initiated their exist strategy and you get to land in their poo. Have you done any research on the IS, is it good, bad, neutral, any reports of malfeasance in the past?

They say be prepared to fly out next week, what visa are they flying you in on?
They arent going to have a work visa for you, no way. I mean its possible, but no, not going to happen. I would think they are going to tell you that you can apply for a visa on arrival. Which is true, but thats just a landing (essentially a tourist) visa. Youll either get 30 days with one extension or 90 days, but youre not allowed to work on this type of visa so end of December comes and again they arent going to pay you, unless you extend the contract and then they may say they will get you a work visa. They will then say youve been working illegally and the consequences for you are far worse than the consequences for them especially if they can make an issue of the missing PGCE letter or something else.

Have you researched the labor rules and regulations as they pertain to the IS?
This is what it sounds like to me. They need someone who will look good on paper because someone is going to be inspecting it, thats why they want so many documents and why they are willing to give you such a short contract. Technically, in Qatar they could bring you in for two months as an ET with just being a NES, have a bachelors/first degree, and either a TEFL certificate or 1 year of edu experience, and that experience can be anything you (they) say it is. They are wanting far more than they need for a 60 day appointment.
I would not be surprised if what they are setting you up for is to get there and you find out either the job, the comp or both isnt what they say it is.