applying to schools via search or website or other?

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applying to schools via search or website or other?

Post by vandsmith »

hi everyone,

so, search has this newish thing where you can contact the school (to show interest) or use apli (an app that links to your search account); in addition, some schools say within the posting on search to go to their website and apply there. Still others might say on their website to send an email with an application package of the usual stuff.

my question is:

- if i have sent a contact letter through search, or sent an email package with the stuff, should i use the new apli app to apply for the job as well? will it hurt/help? i don't want to overkill it, as it is a school that i would love to work at.

any advice is welcome.

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Re: applying to schools via search or website or other?

Post by shadowjack »

I try to find the contact for the head of HR, send my CV, and mention I am on Search so do I need to fill out the website stuff - also have a cover letter with the CV as part of it.
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Post by PsyGuy »

The rule is always follow the directions in the vacancy post.

It could in a very remote way harm your application. The issue is you dont know how the IS is conducting screening. Apply through the HR email and it might get screened by some HR rep who trashes it, apply through the SA portal and they might go to another email inbox that doesnt get looked at until closer to peak recruiting time. Send it to what you think is the HOSs email and really it goes into a folder they filter and job posts get sent to trash because the HOS has a number of email accounts and the one you got isnt the one they really work from. Apli might never get looked at. Of course the opposite could also be true.
When in doubt apply directly, because a direct email application gives you the most options to present your application materials.
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Re: applying to schools via search or website or other?

Post by vandsmith »

okay, so maybe i will give an example.

- school x posts on their website that candidates can email an address - you know, those '' addresses.
- school x puts up a vacancy on search
- i apply using the first option, i also send a message through search
- search then changes the way we contact schools via search, now using a 'contact school' button and/or the apli feature
- school x updates their vacancy on search and now has duplicate entries, one with a 'contact school' button, and the updated entry using the apli feature...

* i am wondering whether i go and use the apli feature to apply as well, since it has been updated since i applied directly to the school. i know it's confusing but i am not sure how to proceed with it.

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Re: applying to schools via search or website or other?

Post by Heliotrope »

Have you asked your Search associate, or do you have one that never replies?
Mine was quite helpful a few years back, and I'm sure he would get back to me about something like this.
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Post by PsyGuy »


Apply with Apli, if they went through the trouble creating a duplicate vacancy for Apli they have a higher probability of actually using it and in considering the risk of negative outcomes is extremely low.

SA is trying to push Apli.
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