Invitation Letter wait time

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Invitation Letter wait time

Post by dolphin »

I was offered a job five weeks ago from IS school in Russia and submitted the necessary information for the invitation letter. It has been five weeks now.

The person who hired me told me it takes no more that twenty days, but I have a feeling he is just guessing. First he told me no more than 15 days, four weeks ago and now it is twenty days at most. He implied that he sent the paperwork two weeks ago, but I am not so sure this is true.

Has anyone experienced a long wait time for paperwork?
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Post by PsyGuy »

Have you talked recently (the last couple of days) about an update? Often in EE countries nobody really knows, its all guesses and for those with experience estimates, but there are no firm deadlines. What are your options though? Your asking like theres an answer that supports waiting. Maybe its worth waiting for you if you have no alternatives, but if your recruiter is way past the deadline they established and they arent keeping in contact with you with regular updates than it could be they are playing the field and hoping someone who is an easier or better hire comes along, even if its the last minute. The rule is when an IS wants you they act like they really want you, and if events are outside the norm, they stay in contact. If its twice the wait time, why arent they in contact with you with updates and reassurances. If they are treating you as an afterthought, than you have to ask yourself "Im the IT in X classroom, if Im not there in that classroom who is?" and if the IS doesnt seem motivated or invested in you being that IT, than maybe their scenario has changed or they dont really need you in that classroom, becomes more and more a probability. What are your options and alternatives at this point and what happens to those options with each passing day? Leadership generally does HR poorly, this may just be bad HR on their part or they are just as subjected to the same waiting time as you are, but if it doesnt work out for them, they will just re-post and hire someone else, what are you going to do?
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