Question about future possible jobs

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Question about future possible jobs

Post by lilybelle »

So, I've accepted a job for this school year because it was the first offer I got and I assumed it would be the only. Now, months later, I am getting interview requests from several schools in other countries. I told each of them that while I have accepted a position for this school year, perhaps we can be in touch in the future.

Is it likely that I will ever hear back from them again, if I reapply in the future?
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Re: Question about future possible jobs

Post by expatscot »

Maybe - who knows? It's unlikely that they will remember specifically because of this, but it certainly won't put them off you.
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Re: Question about future possible jobs

Post by chilagringa »

Happened to me - turned down a job one year, and then got the same job another year at the same school.
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Re: Question about future possible jobs

Post by MusicTravel30 »

Happened to me about 4 years ago in late June. I remember setting up two interviews for two different schools: One on Monday, one on Friday, both in person. For the first school the coordinator actually picked me up at a nearby mall and drove me to the school (IB). It was a quick interview, very simple and they hired me on the spot. I don't think it lasted more than an hour! It was for sure a last minute hire (late June for an early August start) as every other co-worker I talked to later in the year said the hiring process was much more difficult when they went through the process. But hey, it proves even great schools (one of the best in the country) have last minute openings. For sure I was in the right place at the right time!

Any way, when I got home I emailed the second school and told them that I had been hired by the first school, sorry, etc. Well, two years later I got back in touch with the first school. They actually remembered me and invited me to an interview. The first interview was at a coffee shop in a mall of all places, but the second was much more rigorous and lasted half the day at the school. I had a third interview at another coffee shop, much easier, and was finally hired at the end of the interview. It was with the owner and I am pretty sure it was a meeting simply to give me an offer.

The next school I worked at I had applied to probably twice in previous years without so much as a response and it seems the third time was the charm as I was finally invited to an interview and psych test, a second interview and finally the offer.

Long story short, I would not be shocked if they had some recollection but at the same time, admin changes quickly, especially HR, so maybe not.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Could go either way, you will have leadership that will hold a grudge that will never give you the time of day again, because you didnt choose them. They could also move on to other ISs and the new leadership wouldnt have a clue and even if they do, wouldnt care and would be happy to have an IT with that much more experience X years later. Its just as likely they will remember you positively, and would be happy to consider you in the future.
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