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**Advice Needed/Puzzled by school not covering benefits?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 7:49 am
by missy
Hello to all,

I have been in the international school business long enough to know when I see a great, good, so-so or poor contract.

Recently I was recruited by a school that I "thought" was pretty good.
I love the location and the country's culture.
The only concern I had was that it will be the first time I am not given a baggage allowance
or a settling-in allowance.
The school does not cover attestation of documents either, which does raise a red flag in my books.
I was willing to overlook this due to location.
Two days ago,however, I was appalled to discover that the attestation fees will be VERY expensive.


I am at a point in my career where I just won't deal with bad contracts anymore.
In the past, I have worked at "some" schools where contracts were not great and signed on anyway because I was too eager to have an overseas position and I ended up having to deal with a less than stellar school.
***Therefore, am I being too picky in this case if I try to negotiate
with the current school regarding covering attestation fees?

Any advice given will be very appreciated.

Re: **Advice Needed/Puzzled by school not covering benefits?

Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 5:47 pm
by vandsmith
did you sign yet? maybe there is a reason they don't offer that?

if you like the culture, the location, and the pay maybe it's somewhat of a trade off that you need to pay those fees? maybe it's something you could bring up as a sticking point, if you want to go down that road. you could also be shooting yourself in the foot.

you'll have to go with your instincts.

good luck!



Posted: Fri Dec 29, 2017 9:01 pm
by PsyGuy
Have you already signed? Im sensing you have and now your finding out that the attestation costs are significant. There isnt anything wrong or picky about you as an employee making an 'ask' over what is a significant business expense of the IS, that they are passing on to you. Dont be surprised though if the ISs response is a hard no.

First, if there is already a contract thats been executed, maybe they should have done a better job of disclosing, but thats your problem not their problem, but what are you going to do about it if they say no? If you withdraw your acceptance the IS will be mostly in the right, and you will just look like an IT who is whining over something you agreed to do. So if you ask youre basically just begging.

Second, If you havent executed the contract yet and its still an offer. How prepared are you to walk away over $X? It sounds like this is a pretty desirable region and its not going to be very difficult to pass on you and find an IT who will absorb the attestation fees, since were just coming up on peak recruiting.
My experience with attestation costs as part of visa and documentation costs is that they are variable depending on the IT. My attestation costs are significantly higher as I simply have many more documents to process than an IT who has a bachelors degree and a single credential (and a CRB) from their HOR. Add kids, spouses, etc. and yes it can get significantly more costly. So how much of these costs are because you are you?

Third, you state you like the culture and the region so these costs are likely going to remain for any other IS in the future, the only difference being that you may find an IS that will absorb those costs, is finding that opportunity something that would be easy for you, or is this offer in this destination likely to be the only one?

Fourth, the answer is likely to be a hard no simply because this IS probably has a policy that isnt very flexible and if it was or if ownership/leadership was willing to make an exception for you it would be a nightmare for them to do so, as at some point other ITs will find out and then the cries of "unfair"... Leadership doesnt want to do that and if they dont need too why do it.