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How to impress on a school tour

Posted: Tue Oct 17, 2017 7:16 am
by Smurf
Hi all, I'm hoping for some help from the collective wisdom of the board. I'm visiting a school in Singapore this week during vacation that I want to interview for shortly after when jobs are listed.

What would you do to create a positive impression with a recruiter on a school tour?


Posted: Wed Oct 18, 2017 9:50 am
by PsyGuy
First, dont ask tour questions, ask memory questions "I can see students really utilizing this space for X, how has it effected growth of Y", "What did you envision the outcome of X feature would be". Anyone can say "this is beautiful", thats what parents say.

Second, compliment liberally, executive and senior leadership have significant input and put huge amounts of their tasking resources into capital projects and infrastructure.

Third, no project was or is perfect, inevitably design aspects and work flow intentions do not meet expectations. Its generally a good idea to keep criticism to yourself. If you must, comment neutrally and with open response, let whoever is conducting the tour make the criticism.

Fourth, do some research on the IS, this is an interview not a learning moment. You want to show your interest and motivation not be spoon fed the brochure.

Fifth, this is an interview you arent a parent you should be selling yourself not letting the tour guide sell you on the IS.

Sixth, take note of who conductes the tour and how. If its leadership it should be someone in senior or executive leadership, if it is anyone else they really arent keen on hiring you. That said the tour may not be something leadership does very often. Dont be surprised if its a walk and talk vs. walk and stop tour.

Seventh, even if this isnt an immediate interview dress professionally. Smart business vs. formal business may be okay, but if in doubt treat it like any other interview. The problem may be that the tour is shortened if you appear to be in too much distress or uncomfortable. Walking time is talking time, you essentially have a captivate audience, dont give leadership an opportunity to cut it short.

Eighth, it is customary to bring a very small gift, a trinket or keepsake from your home or where you currently are. Something of cultural significance. It should not in any way be something of any real value.

Ninth, its SG but learn how to greet and say good bye in the host manner.

Tenth, be prepared with whatever documents you feel comfortable with, you want to have a resume on good paper with a letter of introduction and any other supporting documents. Youre getting face time take advantage of it.

Re: How to impress on a school tour

Posted: Thu Oct 19, 2017 6:02 pm
by McTeacher
^^^ very good advice, me thinks ^^^^