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Turkey's latest crackdown on educators

Posted: Wed Jul 20, 2016 6:04 pm
by peachestotulips ... p-attempt/

This will definitely affect international schools in Turkey. Can anyone currently employed by a school there keep us updated?

A few months ago I spoke with some student-teachers who did an internship at one supposed international school in Istanbul (international is even in their title). The school was having a visit from the education ministry, and removed and hid EVERY workbook, worksheet, and any other piece of literature that was written in English; essentially erasing any evidence of the students' bilingual learning.
This is frightening; Erdogan is crazy!


Posted: Thu Jul 21, 2016 11:16 pm
by PsyGuy
No it wont, it wont effect the truly international ISs. What it will effect for a brief period of time is the ISs that are essentially independent DSs. Turkey has higher priorities than sending inspectors to secular DSs for too long. This is just for show and imagine stabilization.

Re: Turkey's latest crackdown on educators

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 7:50 am
by coin_operated

It won't affect T1 schools, but it will affect any T2 schools affiliated with the Gulen Movement. They run plenty of T2 International schools outside Turkey as well, even charter schools in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if these are affected indirectly through the financial blow the group will take as a result Erdogan's purge.


Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2016 8:19 pm
by PsyGuy

Let's parse that. Yes its going to effect Gullen ISs, it wouldnt make a difference what tier they were, if there were T1 ISs they would be effected as well, the guy is persona non grata. What does that mean in terms of responses by ISs? Do they put a different face on the IS until things cool down, do they partner with a puppet to insulate a layer between the Gullen ISs (maybe a shell company?). Do they do a paper exit and transfer? The drama is at ownership level, it's PMR, it's not something thats going to effect ISs at a level beyond some inspectors and talk in the staff room/dining. Its watering hole fodder for the first round.

I suspect theres more of a discussion regarding what constitutes the range of the 2nd tier ISs more than outcomes of political ramifications of the attempted coup. This is going to amount to a similar scenario in Thailand when the Hunta coup happened, it was a locals issue that was more talk than actions/reactions in terms of IT fall out.