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Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 7:53 pm
by MedellinHeel
Noticed you took the FTCE Math 9-12 exam. Was wondering if you could break it down for me. I am gonna take it when I visit the US next Fall or Winter.

What study materials do you recommend?

What are some key things to focus on when preparing?

How would you describe the test?

Any advice or tips would be much appreciated.

Re: Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 8:37 pm
by marieh
Yep, I took it just over two years ago. If I remember correctly, all I used for prep was the test information guide from the FLDOE website: ... 13_doe.pdf.

If you look at the competency breakdown then you'll notice that over half of the test revolves around a knowledge of algebra (to include functions) and knowledge and assessment. I honestly thought that the latter were "give me" questions in that the correct answer was usually obvious. Moreover, very few of the questions were conceptual - almost all of them were based on computation. The calculus questions were also not incredibly difficult - you just needed to know the product rule for integration and derivation and the limit definition of a derivative.

So, my suggestions for preparation: Take the practice test and see where your strengths and weaknesses lie and spend a couple of weeks before the test going over the latter. The MathisFun website is great for review, since it explains things at a fairly basic level. Obviously, if you are aiming for a math position you might want to spend some more time with a particular topic, but I don't think that you will have much to worry about with the test itself. I'm pretty sure anyone with a background in Algebra 2 could pass without much studying.

I hope this helps, and let me know if you have any other questions!

Re: Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:10 pm
by MedellinHeel
Good to hear about there not being many conceptual questions as those can appear subjective.

You didnt have any issues finishing on time?

Seems you thought the test wasnt very difficult and not tricky.

What curriculum is your IS using? What classes do you teach?

Re: Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 9:51 pm
by marieh
I had enough time to go over my answers at the end, so I would guess that I finished 10-15 minutes before the time limit. I didn't think the test was that difficult but I also consider myself to be fairly strong in math. YMMV.

We're an American curriculum school and our standards are based on the CCSS. I teach AP Calculus and Physics, but had a rough first year becoming re-acquainted with the material. I'd forgotten almost everything I learned in university and had to put in quite a few extra hours of study each week so that I could break each topic down for my students.

Re: Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Tue Dec 08, 2015 3:32 pm
by MedellinHeel
Wow, certified in Physics also. Is Physics a lot of math? Maybe I should study that instead of Chemistry after knocking out this Math 6-12 exam.

I think what I am gonna do is take as many final exams of the subject areas I can find then look online for the questions I do not know. Take about 5 college algebra and algebra 2 exams. Then take some final geometry exams. Pre-Cal, Stats etc. Seems it would be faster than going through textbooks and what not.

From reading online it seems the FTCE doesnt really go in depth, mostly just the basics of each area. I think I will devote most of my time after the test in learning Calculus just incase I have to teach it out the gate lol.


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 2:31 am
by PsyGuy

Physics CAN be a lot of math, it really depends on the curriculum, the IS, and the IT. Ive seen physics that was very concept driven with little math, and physics that was essentially one long proof.

Most certification exams whether they are from ETS or Pearson, etc. are focused on knowledges required for "entry" level (intern class) DTs, what does a new DT need to be competent at to enter a classroom, they are not directed at qualifying one for AP/DIP/A* levels. They also need to be very broad a 6-12 exam needs to cover content from numeracy, to pre algebra, algebra, geometry, calculus and statistics. These exams are contracted for based on state standards and in 6-12 maths education the focus is on algebra and getting students past that hurdle.

Re: Marieh- Question For You (FTCE Math 9-12 Exam)

Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 5:19 am
by marieh
AP physics 1 and 2 are concept-based. The most difficult math we use is basic trig. It's still a fun class to teach though and it goes well with calculus. I'd highly recommend looking into an endorsement in it if it's something you're interested in.


Posted: Wed Dec 09, 2015 11:31 pm
by PsyGuy
A/AS level courses are also to the level of trig, but they are more maths based than conceptual. You can still find AP courses with much greater emphasis on maths then concept, much has to do with the IT.