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Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 12:10 am
by Trojan
I was curious what advice you have for asking friends and/or former colleagues for help in the job search?

Some are closer friends, so it's easier to be up front with them, but in trying to utilize my larger network for job search purposes, I'm a bit nervous. I want to be professional and polite. But I ultimately want them to help me as much as they are able in landing me my next position.

Any dos/don'ts from your experience on either end of this equation? Is it okay to send them your CV? Ask them to talk to their director/principal?

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 4:07 am
by sid
Of course you want their help, but consider what is realistic and likely. Those good friends you mention, of course let them know you're on the market. Good friends will be happy to pitch in. But don't send them your CV. You need to apply personally for every job. So ask your friends to keep their eyes open for jobs that would suit you. Then you apply, you mention your friend in the cover letter (assuming they are at that school), and then you ask your friend to drop a kind word to the relevant person. Or if you find a job opening on your own, and you know someone at the school, ask them to speak up for you.
But be careful with acquaintances. Don't ask or expect too much of them. Why would they go out of their way for you? And are you even sure they would be helpful? Perhaps they don't know enough about you professionally to say anything, or perhaps they don't think you're as great as you would like. And mere acquaintances are very unlikely to do any active looking for you.
Good luck.

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Wed Oct 28, 2015 10:30 am
by chilagringa
If I didn't know someone well I would not feel comfortable asking them to help me find a job. I might mention something like "I am applying at your school - any advice?" Then if they WANT to help me, they will offer.

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 5:01 pm
by profe
I would second Sid's advice. Former colleagues that you consider friends would probably be willing to keep their eyes open for any potential openings at their schools and put in a word in your behalf, but if you are not close then just because you worked at the same school in the past doesn't mean that they can say much about you as a teacher.

I recommend you look up directors and principals on LinkedIn. If they have a profile, it is often helpful to be able to know where they went to school and where they previously worked and that can be a way to identify a possible common link. For example, the director of a school that has a vacancy that I'm interested in used to work at a school where I know one of the principals, so that would be an obvious possible opportunity to ask my friend for an intro or reference.

Good luck!

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 10:15 pm
by shadowjack
I would definitely ask some of my former colleagues and present friends because it helps me get noticed. No matter what your friend/former colleague says, your CV is going to have to stand on its own in the end, and your references are going to have to reflect a certain standard and consistency. If not, no matter what your friends might say/do, you won't get the job and your friends are wasting their time.

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Sat Oct 31, 2015 11:20 pm
Be very careful, especially when asking former/present colleagues for references/testimonials. Some people have had nasty surprises with references from people that they thought were known and trusted.


Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:45 am
by PsyGuy
I generally agree with the prior contributors advice. Be careful who you consider a friend. Its one thing to ask a former colleague to keep you apprised of upcoming vacancies and maybe even put in a good word for you. Outside of that the application process and your resume needs to follow the same channels as everyone else. Few ITs are in a position to know what leaderships process is, or what their current status is on any given position.

Re: Asking Friends/Former Colleagues for Help in Hiring

Posted: Sun Nov 01, 2015 3:14 pm
by Trojan
Thank you for the advice all.

Yes, definitely asking friends and former colleagues about possible openings at their schools or just a kind word. Not expecting them to sit down with their director and interview for me or anything! ;-)