Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you dislike?

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Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you dislike?

Post by changle88 »

I'm about to hit the button and move back to Canada from China to pursue further education in Mathematics and become certified to teach secondary, with the eventual goal of teaching Math at the IB level around the world.

I will consider this for another few months, as I'm 27 with one degree already and might need to go back to school for another 3 years to accomplish this, so before I move back I want to hear everyone's thoughts on their career so far, whether they would do it all over or whether they would do something else. What they love about the job, what they don't, and any recommendations.

Do you have enough time to pursue other passions while not working?

Thank you everyone for your comments :)
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Re: Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you disl

Post by Monkey »

Are you asking if I love teaching? Or if I love teaching internationally? Or if I love the specific age/subject I teach?

The answers are yes, yes, and mostly yes.

I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was young, and then almost quit my first year teaching (back home, not IT) because it was dismal and miserable and horrifying. Glad I stuck it out though, and going international probably saved me from quitting teaching altogether. The only thing I might change, if I could go back, is my area of specialization. I had 2 specific passions in teaching, so I picked one to get my MEd in. Sometimes I wonder what would've been if I'd pursued passion # 2 instead. I'd be more marketable for sure!

I have a little time to pursue outside interests, but that's a function of where I work. At my last school, I had loads more time for friends and a life. At my current school, I've traded away most of my free time for a great salary. It's not sustainable long term, but it's worth it to me for a few years.

Good luck! Math certainly is a good area to pursue for marketability purposes.
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Re: Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you disl

Post by peachestotulips »

Why are you moving back to Canada though? Why do you need to go to school for another 3 years? You can get certification in Secondary Mathematics without going to a brick and mortar school right? If the issue is with China then consider getting a job somewhere else while you attain a higher (Masters?) degree. This is assuming that you already have at least a bachelors though.
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Re: Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you disl

Post by shadowjack »


if changle88 ever wants to teach in Canada, he needs the Canadian certificate. Doing the online education route won't cut it in Canada - and then he would be back to doing 2 - 3 years at uni again. It is something my wife faces as she did a program via the US that won't get her certification recognized in Canada. Then again, at this point we likely won't ever teach in Canada anyways. But just saying...

Changle88 - you could do teach now out of Washington DC for certification. It is a one year program costing about 6K total. There is also teacher ready out of Florida and someone was posting about California certification too.

Good luck!
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Re: Do you love your job? What do you love? What do you disl

Post by chilagringa »

I was teaching abroad at a tier three school, then went back to Canada for a few years, now am super happy to be teaching abroad again. I don't really think I will go back but who knows. Maybe I would have been happier at a different Canadian public school, but it was a notoriously bad one. I know good teachers who have had to take stress leaves from the place!

I love my new job. I am one of those dorks whose main passion is teaching, but at my current job I can be a workaholic AND have time for work-life balance. I'm doing fun things like reading, exercising and having a social life! There is no way I would have this much time at a full-time job in Canada, unless I was willing to do a lazy job.

What do I love about my job? Small class sizes, supportive admin, a school culture that (despite the entitlement of the kids) focuses on academic success, my amazing colleagues. I also love the country where I live and the lifestyle.

What do I not love? The salary is mediocre - okay for where I am living but I will want to head to Asia or the ME at some point to save for retirement. I don't love the whole supplies situation. At my Canadian public school there was just a supply closet where I could go and take what I want. It's a bureaucratic pain to get basic supplies here. I can get them but often get lazy and just buy my own markers.
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Post by PsyGuy »

Since your goal is to be an IT (Im assuming from your claim of wanting to teach maths around the world), there is zero reason to go back to Canada. There are a number of 1 year programs from various western regions that will get you certified why still in China (or anywhere else for that matter). Even with maths you will find it difficult to get the 2 years teaching experience in CAN in any metropolitan location.

Do I love teaching. No, Im just good at it and its easy, and provides lots of "off time" such as summer and winter and spring holidays. I still have a hard time imagining those who work year round with 10 days of vacation.

Do I love teaching internationally? I like it a lot more then I liked teaching domestically. Domestically it was a lot easier to get by doing the minimum, and expectations were low (I was not in a state tested subject). Internationally you have fewer protections and you have higher performance expectations regardless of what you teach. At an IS you have to make "someone" happy, either leadership, parents, or students. At a DS you can keep your job and not make anyone happy.

Do I love the specific age/subject I teach? What i do is probably the closest to loving something categorized as work I am going to get paid to do.

Would i do it all over again. Absolutely, I wanted to travel and escape the US, education was the fastest and most efficient way of doing it and actually getting to "live" as an expat.

I do miss my first passion, but I hated the "job" of doing it, and making a living at it. I like teaching less, but it provides a much better life balance, and allows me to do the things i want to do.

If i could do something else? Victoria Secret photographer (their are actually a number of occupations related to this that are not appropriate for this form I would have loved to do), National Geographic writer, field archeologist, clandestine services officer, independently wealthy.

What do I love about it? Living overseas, lots of off time, low expectations, prestige.

What dont I like? The profession attracts a lot of mediocrity and incompetence. The mundane and routine of many of the tasking requirements.

Oh i have lots of time to pursue other activities. Whole summers to do things others would have to quit their jobs to do. Actual holiday time to do nothing if I want to.
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