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Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 6:06 am
by PsyGuy

How do i represent my statements and claims as facts, i cant find a single post of mine to the effect of"this is fact anyone who says otherwise is wrong or a liar". My posts are my opinion, thats why its my name on the top of the little text box, not some group, organization, or other affiliation, and if I present something s fact I do with citation, and when i dont Im happy to discuss the issue. Im not responsible for your inference, or perception. Im responsible for what i write, and it ends there. I dont have control over how you process, and - and reach whatever conclusions you come too.

I like being right, and being right means being willing to change your mind. Its important to separate "you" as a person from your opinions, opinions are the ideas of things you carry with you, they are not any part of you, and as such I am comfortable adopting, and changing those opinions when presented with an opposing position of merit. If im holding an apple follow along with the proceeding dialog:

PG: This apple is red
You: No its green
PG: No its red
You: Well its pink
PG: No its red.
You: More like red'ish
PG: No its red
You: Well red'ish with green spots and patches
PG: No its red

Thats whats called consistency, I observed/experienced, I -, i formed a conclusion, and feel not the least bit of compulsion to modify that conclusion arbitrary. "It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data.", I am not going substitute your opinion for my own which is no more or less valid in the absence of merits of strong inference, on the presentation of rhetoric and oratory, based solely on the fiat of ego. Im not wrong because you deem it so.

I dont do that often i like to present an outside assessment, It is a cardinal rule of mental health never to diagnose yourself. That doesnt mean im right or that you or anyone else most accept it. Your free to dismiss it, as you see fit. You dont even have to read it.
Those are my conclusions, people talk themselves into feeling other than they are, its a defense mechanism, and coping skill.

There is nothing worth seeing that takes longer then a week for ME, Im the one writing the post, Im entitled to my predilections and preferences, just as your entitled to disagree with me, and state so. Ive always advocated for more voices not less.
I did engage, I addressed each one of those attractions with my commentary and and position of their value to ME. Claiming some premise is "untrue" for you does not make it universally untrue, and not does it compel or mandate I adopt your position. Again thats called consistency. I consider my position sufficiently strong to withstand debate, why discard it because of your decree. Im as free as you are to reject your position as you are mine.

Thats not true I saw the Sphinx, that was worth a photo and 15 minutes of my time.


There isnt anywhere if your so inclined and interested in you cant make a lifetime out of pursuit and study. Its much like japan when you peel away the mysteries of one layer you find a deeper my nuanced layer beneath. Im not interested in those depths and nuances of Cairo or Egypt.

Re: Egypt Today (anyone with a recent perspective?)

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2015 3:45 pm
by wrldtrvlr123
I'm reminded of the sage advice about never wrestling with a pig. I'm out.


Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2015 2:50 am
by PsyGuy

I heard it as "Never try to teach a pig to sing, it wastes your time and annoys the pig".

I prefer Confucius, "Listen widely to remove your doubts and be careful when speaking about the rest and your mistakes will be few. See much and get rid of what is dangerous and be careful in acting on the rest and your causes for regret will be few. Speaking without fault, acting without causing regret: 'upgrading' consists in this."