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Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do...

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 5:27 am
by mitsoko
Hey All,

I wanted your opinion on a recent intense stressful career search situation that hit me out of no where.

I had decided to move on from my current international teaching assignment (where I have served 3 years) with the understanding that a new assignment was assured. I went through the recruitment process (although through Skype)...handled the standard steps of the process (including the investigation of references)...only to find that I was dragged along and eventually passed up for a teaching team.

I was not interested as much in other job opportuntites and did not invest in them thinking that I had found my fit. Feeling I haven't secured a position of employment, I have explained the situation to my current employer and investigated the opportunity for return. They told me they are investigating other candidates but would consider my return. They will let me know next week.

I'm now having second thoughts---perhaps I should take a year off and travel or get time away from the educational institutions i've worked in for 7 years. Or maybe I should look to other possibilities internationally that aren't exactly what I wanted or envisioned. Or perhaps I should do one more year at the assignment I know, feel comfortable, and able to grow professionally.

Any insights? Anyone been in this pickle before? Would appreciate the feedback. In a short-window to make big decisions.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:37 am
by sjreed
Why not keep trying for another job? I'm seeing lots of people don't get hired til February, April, or even as late as June! There's still time to find a good fit job!

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 6:46 am
by shadowjack
Until it is signed sealed and delivered, as you know now, pursue all leads that interest you. Never say never, until you have that job in hand.

I would keep looking, peruse the Search site, contact the schools who contacted you to see if there are still openings for you, and just keep putting out CVs. Did you go to a fair? Are you going to a fair?

Good luck and keep us posted!


Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:44 am
by mitsoko
Thanks for the replies!

At this point, I feel I need to have a decision ready to go shortly. Just feel like the wind was stripped from my sails. All indications showed that the job was secure. I got overconfident which was my weakness.

I have made contact through ISS iFair with some schools that have possible openings..but I am concerned that I would gamble a guaranteed position for one more year with my current school for the possibility of what might not materialize.

I enjoy the work I do at my current position, the only reason I was looking to move on was because I believed this other opportunity was the next step. Yet, I am finding myself jarred by the culture...i'm sort of over it..finding myself wondering if I could do another year despite extreme boredom.

I suppose worst case scenario....I gamble...and take a year off if nothing comes up.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 8:56 am
by mitsoko
I am not planning to do an ISS Fair. I thought I had the school originally set so I canceled attendance at hindsight a mistake.

In February I am taking students to Greece during the ISS San Francisco..a committment that I cannot get out of.

The only option would be ISS Boston, but at this point i'm beyond deadline and the flights/hotels are through the roof. I haven't done any work to reach-out to the schools attending which would put me at a huge disadvantage for hire...I'd be worried that I expend close to 2,000 USD to attend and all in futility.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Sun Jan 25, 2015 9:14 am
by Glerky
The first thing is to do is the most difficult. Don't panic. It's early and stuff comes up all the time.

You have access to the search site... start looking there.

Then get on the net and go to every school you might be interested in going to and check their employment section. Send an email with a resume.

You've been doing it for 7 years... put the word out to friends that you are looking who have moved on that you need work. Ask if they know of people in other schools who could help you.

Jobs come up and I have known very few (read none) good teachers who did not get a decent job when they put their names out there.

Good luck.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 12:28 am
by mitsoko
Thanks for the help, insights, and suggests!

Yes, I have been considering reaching out, but I just want to be sure that i'm jumping to a better school or offer if I moved on from my current position.

I don't want to jump and end up at a worst junction than I am now...

The choices literally become:

1. Stay on with my Current Employer for one more Academic School Year (They will let me know Wednesday if that is possible).
2. Continue in the Search without attending ISS Registered Fairs.
3. Take a year off from International employment and get by on savings + part-time work.
4. Change job fields related to another international industry.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 1:28 am
by mamava
If you liked the school you're currently at and the only reason you moved on was that particular position, why not stay another year and go into next year's hiring season prepared? There are always jobs that keep coming up all spring, but so many of the good schools try to have their hiring done by the first week in February that you may have more choices if you wait. If your school is willing to take you back for another year, that would seem to mean no hard feelings about your current situation. Lesson learned about your current experience and move on next year well-prepared.

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2015 3:47 am
by jmods
true....never count on a sure thing! Thought of a question regarding this topic.....How long would you wait to hear back....after waiting for a proposal....and writing asking about timeline long would you wait before moving on?

Re: Putting all of the Eggs in one Basket...not what to do..

Posted: Tue Jan 27, 2015 10:34 am
by mitsoko
Thanks for the suggestions!

Some schools have come forward. So less sweat on the brow. Now to see what happens....
