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Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 12:48 pm
by PotentialTrackStar
Alright, I need some advice from objective people or people who have been in a similar experience. As the title suggests, I’m struggling with the decision to stay at my current school or leave. I’m only signed to a one-year contract, but our mid year break is coming very quickly and if I choose to leave, that is the smartest time to leave, for me and for the school, as I already have a trip back home scheduled. My apologies as well, as this will be long, but I’d rather give too much information than not enough

About my situation: Overall, it’s not bad – at all – which begs the question, why would I be debating leaving? It comes down to finances, and a slight medical concern, but mostly finances. The school I’m working at pays us in the local currency (forgive me but I’m going to omit where I’m working, as there are few international schools) – with no option of being paid in USD, EUR, or GBP. That, in itself, wouldn’t be a problem, except that the economy here is in a tailspin and the money is losing value rapidly – it’s worth about 70% of what it was (in USD or EUR) when the school year began in early August. I’m from America, and as such, I’ve got copious amounts of debt back home from getting my bachelor’s degree, as well as some other unavoidable expenses.

I’ve asked the administration about the situation, but there will be no adjustments or assistance, because as they pointed out, the salary is perfectly acceptable for the cost of living here - which is true, if you come with little or no debts to your name. It’s also expressly forbidden in the contract to obtain a second job, as it is with most international schools, so I have no other income sources (they made a point to mention that this includes private tutoring). As the currency continues to fall, however, I have to send more and more of my salary home in order to pay off the same amount of debts, leaving me with less and less here. I’m not paying more than I make – yet – but at this rate I would be by March, which is why I’m not sure if I should stay.

Otherwise, the school is not bad. It’s not great, but it’s nothing like some of the horror stories I’ve read here. My supervisors are generally nice. My students are, on average, okay – they lack any discipline (as does the school) but when you can get them to focus they learn. My coworkers are also generally fine – like any other school, I get along with some of them, and not so much with others. It’s not the school that I’m having troubles with, so much as the country.

Faced with this situation, I want to leave but am simply unsure. I’m not loving my time here, but I think that’s because I’m so stressed by these external factors. If I can decide what to do within a week, I’d give them a full month to find a replacement, which may not be tons of time but it’s better than no notice. I also don't want to pull a complete runner - not just professionally but I would lose respect for myself if I did that.

I'm not worried about leaving hurting future job prospects, as I don't plan on teaching internationally again, or at least not for many years, while I pay off my student loans. I've loved teaching internationally but this was just an unfortunate situation that has given me a new perspective.

So, if you're still with me, any advice? In my heart I want to stick it out but my brain is looking at the economics and telling me to get out before I'm in the red. So, like so many others, I'm just completely lost. Thanks for reading this, everyone.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:21 pm
by fine dude
Sorry to hear about your situation, but what are your chances of landing a job back home that would allow you to save more than what you are doing currently? If you are a certified and experienced math or science teacher, it wouldn't be much of a problem.

I don't know what your local currency is, but if it is a first-world country, such fluctuations should not be so dramatic in the long-term. If I'm living, say in Cambodia and the currency is going south, I'd be looking elsewhere.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 1:44 pm
by PotentialTrackStar
I'd say my chances are high - though perhaps not in teaching until the next school year. I can teach many subjects, including special education, so I have a decent chance of landing a mid-year job. Otherwise, a few local districts are always looking for aides, and the pay is decent. Not what I make here, but my expenses are much lower at home. For example, at home I have family I can stay with, saving me rent money I'm paying here. I'm also not opposed to working other jobs and focusing on next school year's possibilities.

And yes you would think the fluctuations wouldn't be bad - but all I've heard since September is "no, it should level off now" . . . and then it just keeps dropping. To be fair, I don't regret coming - I just don't want to regret staying either

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 2:24 pm
by lookingforlefty
Not sure why you'd want to go home--not like it's any better there, especially if you're sick and in debt.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:38 pm
by Lexie
I would really recommend finishing your contract to the end of the year. I know you feel like it may be a hardship on you financially but I think it may do more harm for you professionally. You mentioned that you don't plan on doing international teaching again-or at least many years-but I think just the idea of not completing your contract will hang over your head. You can leave with a a clear conscience if you wait until the end of the year. I also know that universities back in the states will often help people reduce loan payments for a short time if that's an option for you. Is it possible for you to contact your university back home about this before making a decision? I just want to help you to think about how this will make you feel personally and professionally if you don't honor the contract that you have with your international school. Best of luck to you with your decision. This is a hard one and only you can make the best decision for yourself.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 7:48 pm
by curiousme
In your situation, I'd cringe doing it, but I would speak to the school. I would be very honest about the financial situation and explain that you just couldn't have foreseen what has happened. Tell them you want to leave and give them the notice now, rather than waiting until the holidays. Although you say you want to stay, everything about your post says you want to leave.

Also, I'm not sure why you're ruling out international teaching. You could earn a lot more in other countries if you are as desirable a candidate as you make out. And if I had a dollar for every teacher who returned to their home country swearing 'this is it', only to get back and realise that the weather / family / culture really isn't as appealing as remembered before bailing out again, well...I wouldn't need to work!

Ultimately, life is short and if you spend time stressing and not following something that you can love, I don't think it's worth it. You might be surprised at how easily the school replaces you, and if they turn nasty that's kind of their problem. For so short a period abroad, you could just put it down as 'travel' on your CV. Although the international community isn't humongous, there are enough schools where your director won't have any pull, influence or reach and ultimately - if you are honest throughout - you can hold up your head and explain this to any future employer.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 2:25 am
by PotentialTrackStar
Thanks for the input so far. A few points to clarify:
- I'm already working with my loan providers to lower payments - but being on Income-based plans, and those being based on my taxes last year, there's not much they can do. I can defer them but that's only a two month option, so I'm trying to look at the big picture so I don't wind up going through the same scenario in two months.
- I know I paint a negative picture but I suppose that's just tendency to focus on the bad. Overall, as I said, the school is pretty good - it is not perfect but I have definitely worked at worse schools. Although this is an expensive place to live its rich with culture and lots to do outside of work. I have some pretty great friends that I've made here as well that I would hate to leave. I suppose it comes down to wanting to stay is based mostly on emotion, and as one noted, a desire to fulfill my commitment. The reasons to leave are based more on economics and some logic. (Eternal struggle between heart and brain)
- You are right - I definitely do not want to have this hanging over me, whether I plan to teach internationally again or not. But without knowing the financial future in this country I have to weigh the choice of unfulfilling a contract versus potentially losing money as a result of staying abroad. (Perhaps I should find an economist and get their thoughts...)
- I have a meeting set up with the administrators tomorrow, so if anything important comes of that I will make sure to update all of you.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Wed Dec 03, 2014 4:12 am
by sid
I'd really think carefully about how much money you can realistically make if you move back home. From the stories I'm hearing, it's not that easy to get enough work to stay afloat. And you'd get no pay for the summer months.
Will the sum total of what you earn if you stay, be lower or higher than the sum total of what you earn if you go? Make a few adjustments for free rent back home if you like, but also for summer paychecks. Remember to consider taxes - you'll have to pay US tax for 2014 if you go back now, whereas quite possibly not if you stay.
If the only reason to leave is economic, make sure you've really run the numbers carefully.

Re: Stay or Go?

Posted: Wed Dec 17, 2014 4:38 pm
by Lexie
Potential Track Star! Just checking up on you to see how you are and what you decided. Wishing you all the best! Please keep us updated!