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Family Friendly

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2014 8:57 am
by calvin76
Hello friends,

My husband and I are looking to return to international teaching - we both have experience as singles, then as a teaching couple...came back home to start our family but now are looking to go international again. Obviously our criteria are much different now with two little kids (3 and 4) - the places that were a great fit in my 20s...maybe not so much now. So I am wondering if any of you out there have some great tips for locales / schools that are gems for a family.
Geographically, we are wide open. Any feedback welcome.

Re: Family Friendly

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 6:51 am
by Fluffy123
Hi there - I also have a small child, teaching couple. We were in China a few years ago - there was a thread recently about the pollution there (pretty much all over China is an issue, except the area near HK which seems to be more regulated) - so although China was amazing, the pollution would definitely discount it as a destination for a family with small kiddies for me.
HK is good, but apartments tiny (small or no accommodation allowance for HK), and a lot of schools ask for fees or % of fees - you would definitely want to avoid that with 2 to pay! We always check this when we are looking at jobs. HK has some nice beaches /walks, although it would almost certainly be apartment living which may be a bit hard with 2 kiddies. Some great schools in HK. Good healthcare. Fab salaries in the good schools. - Check out ESF website.
Singapore looks great, but seems to be very hard to get into
KL - some great schools there - esp. ENC and IPC if you have that background. Lifestyle is great there - lots of cheap getaways, wont make millions but I certainly wouldn't say no, housing for teaching couples is great for a lot of schools - again, look at nexus etc for more info
Dubai / UAE - could be really good for experience, possibly PRD & lifestyle - you will get very affordable childcare there for example, but the desert is not for everyone, it seems also people seem to earn and spend spend spend!
S Korea is a lovely country, they love kids, have skiing in winter and interesting places to travel, although a lot of schools there seem to be very Christian (not a problem if you are Christian!) but has been enough to stop us applying for some - morning staff prayer meetings etc

I would be considering:
* Pollution levels
* Quality of local medical care
* School fees
* apartment sizes / accommodation allowance
* Yearly flights (seems less and less common these days)

Well, that's my 2 cents worth! Lots of jobs out there! We are not looking at Europe, but there are some great jobs there, too...

Re: Family Friendly

Posted: Thu Dec 04, 2014 8:16 am
by Snowbeavers
So many to list...a few that come to mind:

Singapore-probably number 1 for families/kids. So much to do and extremely safe
Bangkok-great schools, lifestyle and tons to do for kids
Europe-too many countries to list here: Germany, Netherlands, Switzerland
South Africa-very family oriented and most restaurants have play areas. Great place to raise a family

Re: Family Friendly

Posted: Fri Dec 05, 2014 12:52 pm
by adminpaul