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Fake Postings by Admin.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 7:51 am
by agricola
I've been seeing a lot of reviews lately that are clearly written by administration. Please, if you are teaching at a school and you know that your administration has posted a false review, post a rebuttal! While this may seem petty and childish, it is also necessary. ISR is only as useful as the information posted on it, and the very concept upon which this site is based is being threatened by a few unprofessional and apparently delusional administrators. If you are one of the administrators mentioned and are reading this...Please don't be tempted to write a false review. It is simply too obvious, and frankly, kind of pathetic. If you were capable of thinking and sounding like a teacher, chances are you wouldn't be getting so many bad reviews in the first place. Yes, Narmer American College, that means you. Your grammer is most certainly not the product of a teaching professional. (and note the rating for the local attitude towards foreigners...projecting are we?)

Is it that bad?

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 1:50 pm
by specialed
I work at an international school and I often wonder who writes these evaluations. Reading ISR often makes me wonder who would ever want to teach at an international school. 90 percent of the evaluations are terrible. At our school, our evaluations on ISR are generally bad, but they don't match up to my experiences. If anyone has a gripe about international schools and their "for profit" status, try and order supplies at a public school. They, oh no I've said it, they have a budget. Let's see - public schools have a budget, international schools have a budget. I have not had any problems ordering supplies. If they can be had, I have been encouraged to order them. Politics - again work in a public school and tell me that there isn't favoritism, bad management, etc. There are no doubt some issues at schools (getting mugged, harassed, really awful living quarters, etc.) that need to be said but the danger of constant complainers is that the "real message" gets overlooked because of the "crying wolf" strategy. Also every time someone writes a good review, it is dismissed as an administrator. Do yourselves a favor if you are a complainer - don't work at international schools because according to the reviews on ISR they are all almost universally terrible, political, back-stabbing, "profit making" schools.

If you want the honest truth, You get to travel to a lot of places you dreamed about but could never afford. You get the freedom to do your best and have people listen, without the masses of US school paperwork/tests/rules/etc. You get treated with respect and live a lifestyle overseas that normal teachers in the US could never live. Overall working overseas is wonderful, if you have questions about the school, talk with several different teachers, don't just rely on the reviews at ISR. First you don't know who wrote the review, second you don't know the background or history of what went on, and you are only getting one side of the story. I'm not saying that the reviews are always wrong, but how about some positive reviews or are all we all working at supposedly - horrible, terrible, Oh my god I can't believe I worked there - overseas schools" I have had a great time. Perfect? No, but name the perfect place because I haven't seen one yet (I have seen many amazingly great schools though that I loved working for or would love to work for!)

Sorry for the long rant, but I tire of the negativity.

Not all bad...

Posted: Sun Apr 29, 2007 4:09 am
by agricola
I certainly didn't mean to suggest that all good reviews are therefore written by Admin. I too have worked at good schools that deserve good reviews, in fact I'm working at one now, and have written a review to that effect. I would also encourage teachers who are happy with their placement to say so. This is far more valuable information that yet another gripe by a habitual malcontent. The good schools need to be supported in order to encourage those that are less so to improve their standings in the international teaching community. Too many administrators dismiss ISR as simply a posting board for negativity, which, unfortunately, it often is. The teachers that don't inform other teachers of the GOOD schools are partly to blame for this. However...there are some truely pathetic schools that teachers need to be warned of. False reviews by those in charge of these schools is limiting the effectiveness of ISR and the value of the information it contains.

Re: Fake Postings by Admin.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:01 am
by Goddess
Your grammer is most certainly not the product of a teaching professional. (and note the rating for the local attitude towards foreigners...projecting are we?)

Your spelling isn't brilliant either!! I do, however, agree with some of the sentiments expressed in your post!!

Administrative Postings are Pathetic

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 4:59 pm
by fran
I, too, read the comments recently posted about the Namar school and immediately realized they were either posted by the administration or a friend of the director and/or school owner. The use of English in these reviews is obviously not that of a native speaker and most definitely not the spelling or punctuation.

When I read what appears to be promotional comments that completely contradict the previous posting I assume it's a pathetic attempt by the administration or their friends to mislead teachers. The fact that anyone would do such a thing just reinforces the effectiveness of the comments in previously posted reviews. Especially when the previous postings point to a corrupt and dishonest administration. In effect, these fabricated posting have the opposite outcome intended by the poster.

Let's not let a few people dilute the ISR Web Site. This is all we have. Use your common sense and read between the lines. Maybe someone should contact ISR and ask them to post this thread on the site so others can be made aware. I will do it.

Fake postings by teachers

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 11:41 pm
by syriaman
I work in a school which had to recently fire a teacher for gross incompetence. We as a staff bent over backwards to make him fit in and help him, but at the end of the day they had to end his contract - now he has posted a pack of lies about our school and the administration on this website. :evil: How can we send a message that this kind of behaviour is unprofessional?


Posted: Tue May 01, 2007 12:25 am
by agricola
Oops...Grammar...I stand corrected. I meant to do that. Yah. That's it.