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Clifford School China

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 9:28 am
by PaulJorg
Looking for information on Clifford School in China.......

How is the work, curriculum, Director, Principle etc etc....

Any information good bad indifferent will be useful...........

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Sat May 24, 2014 10:37 am
by eion_padraig
It's split into half day Chinese, half day English. I don't know if it's only foreign students or if they enroll Chinese nationals too. The students I've met have had foreign passports, but most have been kids of returning Chinese so they've been culturally very Chinese. Lots of students who I'd classify as English language learners. They have a long lunch break, which makes the school day a bit longer than normal. It's down South of Guangzhou a ways, but I think all of their foreign staff gets housing down there. I think foreign hires can go back home during lunch. Clifford Estates, where the school is located in Panyu is huge. I've heard there is an internal shuttle system. I've never been out to the school or the housing development, so I can't comment on the facilities. There is a subway line that heads down to Clifford Estates, but it's still apparently a trek (15 minute bus?) to the housing/school.

I think the director or owner (?) spent time in the US in Utah. A fair number the teachers are LDS members and there are a decent number of foreign LDS members living in Guangzhou. I don't know if the director is religious himself. I don't think the school is religious at all.

The pay is okay for China. A friend of mine interviewed there, but didn't take the job. I don't remember the pay, but I remember thinking it was an okay amount. It's the kind of place a NQT might get hired at in the PRD.

I hope that helps.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 6:36 am
by eion_padraig
I heard more about Clifford today. Apparently they have a boarding program as well with kids as young as elementary aged kids in the program. There is a private Chinese school and a separate international section. I heard the international section is moving into a different campus right near the school. I forgot to mention the school is for profit.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 11:30 am
by PaulJorg
Thanks for your reply to my post.....

As a parent with a child currently enrolled in this school ( and for past several years) I was looking for insight into the current practices in the school.

Personally I find this school to be less than acceptable for teaching young children...... This opinion is not only held by myself but other parents whose kids are their too.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Tue May 27, 2014 12:01 pm
by PaulJorg
As a concerned parent we are also focused on the value of the education that our children receive ....... Photocopy lessons plans are not working

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 10:57 am
by eion_padraig
Well, there are plenty of other options for schools in the area if you're unhappy. Why have you continued to send your child there?

Frankly, being a for-profit school has a lot to do with the fact that resources are not being funneled back to the students.

But the blanket statements you're making about their faculty makes me glad your kids don't attend the school where I work. You're really going to say all their teachers are drunks and drug users? You may be right about the admin people too, but the tone of your postings doesn't add to your credibility.

You seem to really like using an excessive number of periods. What is that about? Or is your keyboard just broken?

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Wed May 28, 2014 9:23 pm
by ChinaTeach
As a concerned parent photo copied lesson plans are not working, really?

Do "your" teachers actually submit lesson plans to you?

If you were such a concerned parent why would you expose your children to such a polluted Chinese city in the first place ?

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:17 am
by PaulJorg
Not a lot of imagination in a photocopied piece of paper, ok kids today page 23 ...... Get the picture, for what I pay in fees it's not value for money. I should of bought a copier machine.

No I don't get to see the lessons before hand only during my daily review of the school work, handouts etc.....

It's actually no more polluted than any major city, food quality is good providing you buy from good stores, just back from Shanghai and that place is polluted, cut the trip short due to the air condition.

China has the most expat teachers of any country, the vetting procedures are not good enough, and we are starting a lobby group to address this, will be interesting to see the resistance we get from expat teachers, however with good checks and bounds it preserve s the quality and integrity of the profession, you can do an online course and hey presto I am a teacher.....

Not good enough really is it.

Unscrupulous agency's that will hire anyone need also to be routed out.

Burned out teacher seen to think China is a retirement home, the tide of change is comming.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 1:43 pm
by PacificSurf313-Kinder
The tide of change is already here. Its "parents" always looking to blame everyone else.

If you are unhappy with the school and teacher - CHANGE SCHOOLS

Instead you have decided to blame 500,000 + expat teachers for your unhappiness. Its quite typical of the new tide of change. Maybe every teacher can send you a dollar? Then you can at least buy a golden copy machine.

Be a parent, vet the schools, and change schools if you are unhappy.

Instead you go on ISS, blame every teacher in China, make very insulting statements, and then think people will take you serious because you threaten to start a lobbyist group.

Good luck.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 3:47 pm
by mysharona

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 7:45 pm
by gengrant
It seems that the original post of "looking for information" was a scam because now PaulJorg is slamming the school and it's teachers. Why was he/she looking for information in the first place if he/she has already had his/her child(ren) at the school for 2+ years and seems to already have an opinion? I agree with the others - if you (collectively - anyone who is reading this) are unhappy with Clifford School, move your children to one of the other multitude of schools in Guangzhou - I've heard great things about AISG.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Thu May 29, 2014 9:11 pm
by skonamaj1
I am just curious is there a big red dog on campus anywhere? I have been looking for him everywhere.

Re: Clifford School China

Posted: Fri May 30, 2014 10:35 am
by PaulJorg
It's gaining momentum..... Several parents and local officials like the idea, and one senior official wants to champion this scheme.

It's a completely unregulated industry that needs bringing into line,

Standards need to be set, regulated and checked. Being affiliated with a western school is not good enough,.

At present anyone can start a school, employ anyone, then teach. You would not get away with this in the UK, USA so why is it acceptable here in China.

The bigger the resistance the greater the publicity and awareness will be made.

At present, how do you vet a school, talk to parents, the school etc, but no real statistics on teacher turnover, pupil turnover, financial stability, teacher quals and experience, the list goes on, what is there to be afraid of, oh the fact that many so called teachers are not correctly qualified, or have lied regards the quals,.

Regulation will improve the quality of private education. So don't be afraid, embrace it, your chosen vocation will improve.